Tried installing FastAi but I got "ERROR: No matching distribution found for torchvision>=0.7"

Tried installing FastAi but I got "ERROR: No matching distribution found for torchvision>=0.7"

我尝试使用命令安装 Fast Ai

pip install fastai


ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torchvision>=0.7 (from fastai) (from versions: 0.1.6, 0.1.7, 0.1.8, 0.1.9, 0.2.0, 0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.2.2.post2, 0.2.2.post3, 0.3.0, 0.4.1, 0.5.0)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for torchvision>=0.7 (from fastai)

发生了什么事,我该如何解决?我尝试安装一些特定的手电筒版本,但 none 有效。

该错误仅表示您缺少给定版本 PyTorch>=0.7 所需的库。

Instructions if you installing it by using pip make sure to install pytorch manually to the required version. You can see here 安装说明中所述 PyTorch