重命名文件夹,如果它存在于 Powershell 中,则与现有文件夹合并

Renaming a folder, and merging with exisiting folder if it exists in Powershell

尝试进行一些目录清理,并运行从旧方法过渡到新方法。目前我们一直在逐案手动进行,但我决定调查 .

在我们开始提取更多 CSV 数据并 运行 进入新问题之前,这在理论上是可行的。

我在任何地方都找不到答案的是“重命名一个文件夹,如果该名称存在则将两者合并”,就像您在 Windows Explorer 中看到的那样:

我知道这很危险 - 但这是我能想到的唯一方法。

Copy-Item 但由于文件夹 运行 从几 MB 一直到 >20GB(平均而言较大)。复制、移动子项目,然后删除太慢了 - 加上大约 8000 个文件夹要创建和移动我认为没有足够的缓冲区存储空间。



# set the working directory
Set-Location "B:\"

# import the CSV file for folder creation
$folders = Import-Csv -Delimiter "," -Header @("ID","caseName","caseNumber") -Path .\export.csv

# begin the loop
ForEach( $folder in $folders ) {

   # create the variables
   $columnID = $folder.ID
   $columnCase = "{0} {1}" -f $folder.caseName, $folder.caseNumber
   $columnNewCase = "{1}, {0}" -f $folder.caseName, $folder.caseNumber

   # use later to create root folders
   $yearAllocation = "20{0}" -f $folder.caseNumber.Substring(0,2)

   # // MARK: begin main folder creation

   # "SMITH 12345678" and "12345678, SMITH" do NOT exist
   if( (-not ( Test-Path "$columnCase" )) -and (-not ( Test-Path "$columnNewCase" )) ) {
       # create the "12345678, SMITH"
       New-Item "$columnNewCase" -ItemType Directory

   # "SMITH 12345678" EXISTS but "12345678, SMITH" does NOT exist
   if( ( Test-Path "$columnCase" ) -and (-not ( Test-Path "$columnNewCase" )) ) {
       # rename "SMITH 12345678" -> "12345678, SMITH"
       Rename-Item "$columnCase" -NewName $columnNewCase -Force

   # "SMITH 12345678" does NOT exist but "12345678, SMITH" EXISTS
#   if( (-not ( Test-Path "$columnCase" )) -and ( Test-Path "$columnNewCase" ) ) {
#      # do nothing
#   }

   # "SMITH 12345678" and "12346578, SMITH" both EXIST
   if( ( Test-Path "$columnCase" ) -and ( Test-Path "$columnNewCase" ) ) {
       # merge "SMITH 12345678" -> "12345678, SMITH"

   # // MARK: begin ID folder moves

   # if "98765" folder exists
   if( Test-Path "$columnID" ) {
       # move "98765" into "12345678, SMITH"
       Move-Item "$columnID" -Destination "$columnNewCase"


- 12345
- 23445
- 63574
- 73363
- SMITH 12345678
- JONES 58478945


- 12345678, SMITH
--- 12345
--- 23445
- 58478945, JONES
--- 63574
--- 73363


- 12345678, SMITH
--- 12345
--- 23445
- 58478945, JONES
--- 63574
--- 73363
- SMITH 12345678
--- 66684


- 12345678, SMITH
--- 12345
--- 23445
--- 66684
- 58478945, JONES
--- 63574
--- 73363

原来没有办法在 Powershell 中合并文件夹。


作为预防措施,然后将原始文件夹移动到另一个目的地,这样我们就可以做一个文件大小 属性 检查是否遗漏任何内容。

# set the working directory
Set-Location "C:\"

# import the CSV file for folder creation
# create the headers for the file since CSVs dont have them
$csvRows = Import-Csv -Delimiter "," -Header @("ID","name","number") -Path .\file.csv

# begin the loop
    ForEach( $csvRow in $csvRows ) {

    # create the variables
    $columnID = $csvRow.ID
    $columnNameNumber = "{0} {1}"  -f $csvRow.name, $csvRow.number
    $columnNumberName = "{1}, {0}" -f $csvRow.name, $csvRow.number

    # // MARK: begin main folder creation

    # "SMITH 12345678" and "13246578, SMITH" do NOT exist
    if( (-not ( Test-Path "$columnNameNumber" )) -and (-not ( Test-Path "$columnNumberName" )) ) {
        # create the "12345678, SMITH"
        New-Item "$columnNumberName" -ItemType Directory

    # "SMITH 12345678" EXISTS but "13246578, SMITH" does NOT exist
    if( ( Test-Path "$columnNameNumber" ) -and (-not ( Test-Path "$columnNumberName" )) ) {
        # rename "SMITH 12345678" -> "12345678, SMITH"
        Rename-Item "$columnNameNumber" -NewName $columnNumberName -Force

    # "SMITH 12345678" does NOT exist but "13246578, SMITH" EXISTS
    if( (-not ( Test-Path "$columnNameNumber" )) -and ( Test-Path "$columnNumberName" ) ) {
        # do nothing

    # "SMITH 12345678" and "13246578, SMITH" both EXIST
    if( ( Test-Path "$columnNameNumber" ) -and ( Test-Path "$columnNumberName" ) ) {
        # find all the items in $columnNameNumber
        $subDirectory = Get-ChildItem $columnNameNumber -Name

        # loop through and move to $columnNameNumberNew
        ForEach( $childItem in $subDirectory ) {
            Move-Item "$columnNameNumber$childItem" -Destination "$columnNumberName"

        # rename to know its done
        if( ( Test-Path .\destination ) ) {
            Move-Item "$columnNameNumber" -Destination .\destination

    # // MARK: begin ID folder moves

    # if "98765" folder exists
    if( Test-Path "$columnID" ) {
        # move "98765" into "12345678, SMITH"
        Move-Item "$columnID" -Destination "$columnNumberName"
