用上限计算 SUM 并按比例乘以 SQL 中的系数

Calculate SUM with cap and multiply pro-rata by coefficient in SQL

我有 table 大致是这样的:

| CustId |      TransDate      | Amount | Coef |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 11:02:00 |    400 |  0.1 |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 12:05:00 |    500 |  0.2 |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 13:02:00 |    400 |  0.1 |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 13:11:00 |    600 |  0.4 |
|      2 | 2020-09-04 10:01:00 |    300 |  0.3 |
|      2 | 2020-09-04 11:02:00 |    700 |  0.2 |

我想要实现的是给每个客户一个“奖金”,计算方式为金额 * 系数,但交易总额上限为 1,500。 “奖金”是针对 SUM <1,500 的客户交易授予的(按照交易进行的顺序)。

例如,客户“1”将在前 3 笔交易中获得全额赠金,在第 4 笔交易中获得 1,500 差价的赠金。基本上,最终结果应该是这样的:

| CustId |      TransDate      | Amount | Coef |                       Bonus                       |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 11:02:00 |    400 |  0.1 | 40                                                |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 12:05:00 |    500 |  0.2 | 100                                               |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 13:02:00 |    400 |  0.1 | 40                                                |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 13:11:00 |    600 |  0.4 | 80 /*(this is given only for the remaining 200)*/ |
|      2 | 2020-09-04 10:01:00 |    300 |  0.3 | 90                                                |
|      2 | 2020-09-04 11:02:00 |    700 |  0.2 | 140                                               |




select t.*,
       (case when sum(amount) over (partition by custid order by transdate) <= 1500
             then coef * amount
             when sum(amount) over (partition by custid order by transdate) - amount < 1500
             then (1500 - sum(amount) over (partition by custid order by transdate)) as coef
             else 0
        end) as bonus
from t

[编辑]:现在使用 MAX 函数限制奖金金额。


drop table if exists #tTEST;
select * INTO #tTEST from (values 
(1, '2020-09-04 11:02:00', 400, 0.1),
(1, '2020-09-04 12:05:00', 500, 0.2),
(1, '2020-09-04 13:02:00', 400, 0.1),
(1, '2020-09-04 13:11:00', 600, 0.4),
(1, '2020-09-05 13:11:00', 600, 0.4),
(2, '2020-09-04 10:01:00', 300, 0.3),
(3, '2020-09-04 11:02:00', 700, 0.2)) V(CustId, TransDate, Amount, Coef);


declare @bonus_limit            int=1500;

with data_cte as (
    select *, sum(amount) over (partition by custid order by transdate) cum_amount,
            @bonus_limit-sum(amount) over (partition by custid order by transdate) cum_amount_diff
    from #tTEST t) 
select *, 
       (SELECT Max(v)  FROM (VALUES (0), (case when cum_amount_diff<0 then (Amount+cum_amount_diff)*Coef
                    else Amount*Coef end)) AS value(v)) Bonus
from data_cte;


| CustId |      TransDate      | Amount | Coef | cum_amount | cum_amount_diff | Bonus |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 11:02:00 |    400 |  0.1 |        400 |            1100 |  40.0 |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 12:05:00 |    500 |  0.2 |        900 |             600 | 100.0 |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 13:02:00 |    400 |  0.1 |       1300 |             200 |  40.0 |
|      1 | 2020-09-04 13:11:00 |    600 |  0.4 |       1900 |            -400 |  80.0 |
|      1 | 2020-09-05 13:11:00 |    600 |  0.4 |       2500 |           -1000 |   0.0 |
|      2 | 2020-09-04 10:01:00 |    300 |  0.3 |        300 |            1200 |  90.0 |
|      3 | 2020-09-04 11:02:00 |    700 |  0.2 |        700 |             800 | 140.0 |