有没有办法模拟网络,以便我可以测试用 python 编写的 p2p 网络代码?

Is there a way to simulate a network so that I can test my p2p network code written in python?

我需要能够在网络的每个“节点”上 运行 python 编码,以便我可以正确地测试代码。我不能使用不同的端口号和 运行 代码,因为我需要使用唯一的 IP 地址来处理其他各种事情。

我觉得vmware或者virtual box可以帮到你

在我的 DHT p2p 项目中,我有一个抽象网络通信的特定对象。在测试期间,我用一个在内存中运行的对象来模拟该对象:

class MockProtocol:

    def __init__(self, network, peer):
        self.network = network
        self.peer = peer

    async def rpc(self, address, name, *args):
        peer = self.network.peers[address[0]]
        proc = getattr(peer, name)
        start = time()
        out = await proc((self.peer._uid, None), *args)
        delta = time() - start
        assert delta < 5, "RPCProtocol allows 5s delay only"
        return out

class MockNetwork:

    def __init__(self):
        self.peers = dict()

    def add(self, peer):
        peer._protocol = MockProtocol(self, peer)
        self.peers[peer._uid] = peer

    def choice(self):
        return random.choice(list(self.peers.values()))

async def simple_network():
    network = MockNetwork()
    for i in range(5):
        peer = make_peer()
    bootstrap = peer
    for peer in network.peers.values():
        await peer.bootstrap((bootstrap._uid, None))
    for peer in network.peers.values():
        await peer.bootstrap((bootstrap._uid, None))

    # run connect, this simulate the peers connecting to an existing
    # network.
    for peer in network.peers.values():
        await peer.connect()

    return network

async def test_dict(make_network):
    network = await make_network()
    # setup
    value = b'test value'
    key = peer.hash(value)
    # make network and peers
    one = network.choice()
    two = network.choice()
    three = network.choice()
    four = network.choice()

    # exec
    out = await three.set(value)

    # check
    assert out == key

    fallback = list()
    for xxx in (one, two, three, four):
            out = await xxx.get(key)
        except KeyError:
            assert out == value

    for xxx in fallback:
        log.warning('fallback for peer %r', xxx)
        out = await xxx.get_at(key, three._uid)
        assert out == value