With Gitpod, Heroku Postgres returning Error: FATAL: role ... does not exist

With Gitpod, Heroku Postgres returning Error: FATAL: role ... does not exist

我有一个Heroku app and it has a Heroku postgres addon attached. Im trying to connect to the remote heroku database from the Gitpod(在线IDE)命令行。

heroku pg:psql -a my-heroku-app


--> Connecting to postgresql-rigid-XXXXX
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:  role "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" does not exist

当我尝试连接 URL

psql postgres://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:ppppppppppppppppp@ec2-0000000000.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/ddddddddddddd

我已经在 Gitpod 中正确安装了 postgres 和 heroku-cli,它们工作正常。

好的,感谢 this and this,我找到了答案。

heroku pg:psql 似乎在 Gitpod 中不起作用。所以我按照 this 将数据库转储文件导入到 heroku postgres 中。我从 Gitpot 命令行

pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser mydb > mydb.dump

并从我的本地 (Gitpod) 数据库中获取了数据库转储文件。将其上传到我的 google 驱动器并获得可公开下载的 link。然后做了

heroku pg:backups:restore https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?xxxxxxxx DATABASE_URL -a my-heroku-app

现在我的 heroku postgres 数据库中有了所有数据。