如何在其他节点上方的 2 个节点之间减少 space?

How to reduce space between 2 nodes that are above other node?

如何定位变量 2 和变量 3 节点,使它们更靠近并位于变量 1 上方?

\usetikzlibrary{shapes, shadows, arrows}
\tikzset{mynode/.style={shape=rectangle, draw, align=center}


\node[mynode, text width=7cm,minimum height=1cm] (v1){Variable 1};
\node[mynode,above left= 2cm of v1, text width = 4cm, minimum height = 1cm](v2) {Variable 2};
\node[mynode,above right= 2cm of v1, text width=4cm, minimum height = 1cm] (v3){Variable 3};

\draw[-latex] (v2.south) -- (v1.north);
\draw[-latex] (v3.south) -- (v1.north);





快速破解:xshift 您希望它们所在的节点:

\usetikzlibrary{shapes, shadows, arrows}
\tikzset{mynode/.style={shape=rectangle, draw, align=center}


\node[mynode, text width=7cm,minimum height=1cm] (v1){Variable 1};
\node[mynode,above left= 2cm of v1, text width = 4cm, minimum height = 1cm,xshift=3cm](v2) {Variable 2};
\node[mynode,above right= 2cm of v1, text width=4cm, minimum height = 1cm,xshift=-3cm] (v3){Variable 3};

\draw[-latex] (v2.south) -- (v1.north);
\draw[-latex] (v3.south) -- (v1.north);

