如何克服因使用 AJAX (axios) 上传大文件而导致的浏览器延迟?

How do I overcome browser lag because of large file upload with AJAX (axios)?

我在前端使用 axios 实现了一个简单的多文件上传功能,ReactJS 用于 AJAX 请求。

const FileUploader = () => {

  const uploadFiles = files => {

    const formData = new FormData();
    files.forEach( file => {
      formData.append("files", file );

      method: "POST",
      url: '...',
      data: formData,
      headers: { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data", },
      onUploadProgress: e => console.log(e.loaded, e.total)
    .then(( response ) => console.log( response ))
    .catch(( error )   => console.error( error ))

  return (
    <input type="file" onChange={ e => uploadFiles( e.target.files ) } />


我注意到在一次上传大文件或多个文件时,不仅是浏览器而且我的 OS 似乎都滞后。

在寻找解决方法时,我了解到需要使用 Streams API 通过网络逐块而不是一次完整地发送文件来解决此问题。


The Streams API allows JavaScript to programmatically access streams of data received over the network and process them as desired by the developer.



但是,我在 Internet 上看到的关于此主题的资源很少,这可能是因为 Streams API 是一个相对较新的 Web 介绍,仍处于实验阶段。



请注意,流针对的是 reading/processing 客户端上的文件,而不是用于上传。

With Streams being available to JavaScript, this all changes — you can now start processing raw data with JavaScript bit by bit as soon as it is available on the client-side, without needing to generate a buffer, string, or blob.

但是,您可以使用 XHR 实现分块上传。有几个库支持它。

对于 React,有 react-uploady. Check out its chunked upload support. It also supports resumable uploads (Tus) 用于同样实现协议的服务器