vba 根据 excel 单元格的整数添加形状(星星)

vba add shapes (stars) in function of an excel cell's integer

我在电子表格中有一列“I”,它给出了从 1 到 5 的整数。根据 integer/ranking 超过 5 的函数,我设法在整数旁边的单元格中显示星星:

Dim x As Integer, Cel As Range, Plg As Range
Dim y As Integer, etoile As Shape
Dim shp As Shape

With mysheet
    Set Plg = .Range("I" & startLine & ":I" & nbLines)

    For Each Cel In Plg
        y = 5
        For x = 1 To Cel.Value
            If Cel > 0 Then
        Set stars= .Shapes.AddShape(msoShape5pointStar, Cel.Left + y, Cel.Top + 5, 6, 6)
        y = y + 10
        stars.Line.Visible = msoFalse
        stars.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 13
            End If
        Next x
    Next Cel
End With

但是当我使用一个程序来刷新我的列 I 和整数时,我正在寻找一种方法来删除我之前创建的星星,然后应用新的 ranking/number 星星。


For Each shp In mysheet.Shapes
    If shp.Type = msoShapeTypeMixed Then shp.Delete
Next shp

没有大获成功... 任何帮助将不胜感激!


   Dim sh As Worksheet, st As Shape
   Set sh = ActiveSheet
     For Each st In sh.Shapes
        If st.Type = 1 And left(st.Name, 7) = "5-Point" Then st.Delete


'your existing code
Set stars= .Shapes.AddShape(msoShape5pointStar, Cel.Left + y, Cel.Top + 5, 6, 6)
       y = y + 10
 stars.Name = "MyStar" & "somethin else" '(maybe the Cel.Addres and use it in a similar way to delete only specific ones)
'your existing code

然后删除前 6 个字符的形状,例如“MyStar”或任何您喜欢的形状...
