没有名为 'ICE' 的模块

No module named 'ICE'

我在 jupyter notebook 上使用我的代码

!pip install ICE
!pip install zeroc-ice

Requirement already satisfied: ICE in c:\python3.7\lib\site-packages (0.0.2)

Requirement already satisfied: zeroc-ice in c:\python3.7\lib\site-package (3.7.4)

input=['he and Chazz duel with all keys on the line.']

from ICE import CollocationExtractor

extractor = CollocationExtractor.with_collocation_pipeline('T1' , bing_key = 'Temp',pos_check = False)

print(extractor.get_collocations_of_length(input, length = 3))


ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) in 3 input=['he and Chazz duel with all keys on the line.'] 4 ----> 5 from ICE import CollocationExtractor 6 7 extractor = CollocationExtractor.with_collocation_pipeline('T1' , bing_key = 'Temp',pos_check = False)

ModuleNotFoundError: 没有名为 'ICE'



您需要将其导入为 'ice' 例如

import ice
app = ice.cube()
if __name__ == '__main__':

并且 zeroc-ice 为

import sys, Ice
with Ice.initialize(sys.argv) as communicator:
    obj = communicator.stringToProxy("hello:tcp -h myhost.mydomain.com -p 10000")