
SQL Calculate time delay based on sum

(注意 - 下面的示例从原始 post 重写以提高可读性)

我遇到了一个 SQL 问题,确实可以使用一些关于如何继续的指示。 (如果这是 post 的错误位置,请告诉我 :-) )

我有一个 table,每分钟读取一次读数,显示通过传感器的水流 (liters/second)。我需要找出水到达特定点需要多长时间(大约)'downstream'。


我的想法是,通过对特定读数后的所有值求和,直到总和与两点之间的体积相同,我可以用它来找出时差。 (即用积分计算)

我已经完成了初稿,可以满足我的需求,但它 极其低效 并且根本无法扩展以处理现实生活中的数据(50 万行 pr数据年份)。




-- Sample with flow ranging from 1 to 3 liters/minute  
create table flow 
(ts             timestamp
,flow_pr_minute numeric);

insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:01:00',1); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:02:00',1);  
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:03:00',2);  
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:04:00',2);  
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:05:00',3);  
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:06:00',2); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:07:00',2); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:08:00',1); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:09:00',3); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:10:00',3); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:11:00',2); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:12:00',3); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:13:00',1); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:14:00',2); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:15:00',3); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:16:00',1); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:17:00',1); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:18:00',3); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:19:00',2); 
insert into flow values ('2020-08-01 00:20:00',3); 

-- Sample code
-- when will the water at timestamp 'ts' have reached/passed the 10 liter mark?

with SUB as
         , flow_pr_minute
         ,SUM(flow_pr_minute) OVER(ORDER BY ts) flow_cumul
FROM     flow
select  a.ts
        ,min(b.ts) as ts_sum_10_liter_or_gt
from SUB a, SUB b
where b.flow_cumul-a.flow_cumul+a.flow_pr_minute >= 10
group by a.ts, a.flow_pr_minute, a.flow_cumul
order by a.ts

这会在 'ts_sum_10_liter_or_gt' 列中给出所需的输出 在现实生活中,数量和体积要大得多 - 但这显示了任务的本质。

ts                  flow_pr_minute  flow_cumul  ts_sum_10liter_or_gt    
2020-08-01 00:01:00 1               1           2020-08-01 00:06:00
2020-08-01 00:02:00 1               2           2020-08-01 00:06:00
2020-08-01 00:03:00 2               4           2020-08-01 00:07:00
2020-08-01 00:04:00 2               6           2020-08-01 00:08:00
2020-08-01 00:05:00 3               9           2020-08-01 00:09:00
2020-08-01 00:06:00 2               11          2020-08-01 00:10:00
2020-08-01 00:07:00 2               13          2020-08-01 00:11:00
2020-08-01 00:08:00 1               14          2020-08-01 00:12:00
2020-08-01 00:09:00 3               17          2020-08-01 00:12:00
2020-08-01 00:10:00 3               20          2020-08-01 00:14:00
2020-08-01 00:11:00 2               22          2020-08-01 00:15:00
2020-08-01 00:12:00 3               25          2020-08-01 00:16:00
2020-08-01 00:13:00 1               26          2020-08-01 00:18:00
2020-08-01 00:14:00 2               28          2020-08-01 00:18:00
2020-08-01 00:15:00 3               31          2020-08-01 00:19:00
2020-08-01 00:16:00 1               32          2020-08-01 00:20:00


具体来说,考虑避免完全重复和反向重复,并根据数据最大值添加时间间隔。假设它是定义的 key/index.

,这样的间隔连接可能会促进使用 ts 作为索引
with SUB as
select   ts
         , flowrate
         , 60*sum(flowrate) over(order by ts) as flow_cumul
         , max(ts) over() as max_ts
from     flow
select  a.ts
--      , b.ts
        , round(a.flowrate,1) as flowrate
--      , round(b.flowrate,1) as b_flowrate
--      , round(a.flow_cumul,1) as a_flowcumul
--      , round(b.flow_cumul,1) as b_flowcumul
--      , round(b.flow_cumul-a.flow_cumul,1) as flow_diff
        , b.ts-a.ts as ts_diff
from SUB a
inner join SUB b 
       on b.ts > a.ts and b.ts < a.max_ts
where (b.flow_cumul-a.flow_cumul) > 5E5
  and (b.flow_cumul-a.flow_cumul)-a.flowrate < 5E5;