
How to make a function that adds a sublist to a list

我想创建一个 NewList 个值(介于 1 和 0 之间),使用一个函数将 sublist 个值 (low_phase=[0] x 30) 添加到第二个列表 (high_phase=[1] x 960 elements long) .我需要一个循环,因为函数需要及时遍历所有元素,我需要一个 if 函数,它检查时间元素何时等于列表间隔的元素,然后才应用 sublist low_phase。当值相等时,列表应包含 0,当值不同时,则为 1。

#this is the `NewList` I want to create. It has to contain values of 1 or 0, which are assigned based on the function with loop 

NewList = []

#this is the first list 
time = list(range(1,960))
#this is the second list 
interval= list(range(60,960,60))

#these are the values to be assigned to the newLIst if the condition is true
high_phase = [1]*960
#these are the values to be assigned to the newLIst if the condition is False
low_phase = [0]*29

def method(NewList):
    for n,m in zip(time,interval):
        if time[n] == interval[m]:

example of output: for every time that interval (60, 120, 180 etc) is contained in time (0-960), add a list of 30 values = 0 to NewList, otherwise add 1 to NewList.

     time   interval    NewList
     ...                    1
      58                    1
      59                    1
      60        60          0
      61                    0
      62                    0
     ...                    0
      90                    1
      91                    1
      92                    1
     ....                   1
     120       120          0
     121                    0
     122                    0
     ...                    0
     150                    1


NewList = []

time = list(range(1,960))
interval= list(range(60,960,60))

high_phase = [1]*960
low_phase = [0]*59

def method(NewList):
    for i in interval:
       NewList.extend(low_phase)  # 59 entries from low_phase
       NewList.append(high_phase[len(NewList)])  # matching high_phase entry
    return NewList


[0, 0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0, 0, 1, 
 0, 0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0, 0, 1, 
 0, 0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0, 0, 1, 
 0, 0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0, 0, 1, 
 0, 0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0, 0, 1, 
 0, 0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0, 0, 1, 
 0, 0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0, 0, 1, 
 0, 0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0, 0, 1]

好的,我想现在我得到了你想要的:一个 960 1s 的列表,范围为 30 0s 从每个间隔开始。这正是您可以做到的:从 960*[1] 开始,并用 30*[0] 替换每个间隔的 30 个元素的切片。

result = [1] * 960
for i in range(60, 960, 60):
    result[i:i+30] = [0] * 30

(注意:如果 30 个元素的最后一个片段比列表长,这将用更多的 0 扩展列表,因此您可能必须在末尾将其截断回 960 个元素。)


>>> list(enumerate(result))
 (58, 1),
 (59, 1),
 (60, 0),
 (61, 0),
 (62, 0),
 (88, 0),
 (89, 0),
 (90, 1),
 (91, 1),
 (92, 1),

关于您原来的 method 功能:存在许多问题。首先,您压缩了两个长度截然不同的列表(960 对 15 个元素),因此您只能从两者中获得前 15 个元素。然后,nm 已经是该列表中的元素,但是对于 time[n] == interval[m] 你将它们视为索引,这将给出一个 IndexError 因为第一个间隔 60 已经是大于整个区间列表。无论如何,条件永远不会为真,因为间隔从更高的值开始并且数字上升得更快,因此“配对”值永远不会相等。