
Is it faster to use regular distance or squared distance?


sqrt(x * x + y * y) > a 


x * x + y * y > a * a 



正如您现在看到的,sqrt 是一个具有乘法、除法和加法的循环函数的结果

所以如果你这样做 x * x + y * y > a * a 它只需要比 sqrt 方法更少的时间,我可以用这个确认。

sqrt(int n)

    float temp, sqrt;

    // store the half of the given number e.g from 256 => 128
    sqrt = n / 2;
    temp = 0;

    // Iterate until sqrt is different of temp, that is updated on the loop
    while(sqrt != temp){
        // initially 0, is updated with the initial value of 128
        // (on second iteration = 65)
        // and so on
        temp = sqrt;

        // Then, replace values (256 / 128 + 128 ) / 2 = 65
        // (on second iteration 34.46923076923077)
        // and so on
        sqrt = ( n/temp + temp) / 2;

    printf("The square root of '%d' is '%f'", n, sqrt);