PHP 的关联数组问题

Associative Array issue with PHP

我正在围绕存储在 API 中的数组的理论场景构建算法,这意味着我不允许编辑它,我正试图从所述数组中获取数据并将其转换使用 implode 和 explode 函数转换为关联数组。我取得了很好的进步,这是我目前的代码……


$arr = array(
    "action: Added; quantity: 1; item_code: RNA1; product_name: Mens Organic T-shirt; colour: White; size: XL",
    "action: Subtracted; quantity: 7; item_code: RNC1; product_name: Kids Basic T-shirt; colour: Denim Blue; size: 3-4y",
    "action: Added; quantity: 20; item_code: RNV1; product_name: Gift Voucher; style: Mens; value: £20",

// Split the array into strings.
$imploded1 = implode("; ", $arr);

//echo $imploded;

// Seperate the strings by the ";" character.
$exploded1 = explode("; ",$imploded1);
// This gives me the keys and pairs in the same index.

$imploded2 = implode("\n", $exploded1);
// print_r($formatimploded);

$result = array_column(array_map(function($v) {
    return explode(":", $v);
}, explode(" ", $imploded2)), 1, 0);


[action] =>
[quantity] =>
[item_code] =>
[product_name] =>
[colour] =>
[size] =>
[style] =>
[value] =>



$arr = array(
    "action: Added; quantity: 1; item_code: RNA1; product_name: Mens Organic T-shirt; colour: White; size: XL",
    "action: Subtracted; quantity: 7; item_code: RNC1; product_name: Kids Basic T-shirt; colour: Denim Blue; size: 3-4y",
    "action: Added; quantity: 20; item_code: RNV1; product_name: Gift Voucher; style: Mens; value: £20",

//create new array to hold new values
$new_arr = [];

//loop through strings
foreach($arr as $v) {

    //break strings into "chunks" (e.g "action: Added", "quantity: 1", etc)
    $chunks = explode('; ', $v);

    //create temporary array inside "string loop"
    $tmp = [];

    //loop through each chunk
    foreach($chunks as $chunk) {

        //split chunks into key => values (e.g "action", "added")
        $key_value = explode(': ', $chunk);

        //add split chunk to `$tmp` array, using `[0]` as key and `[1]` as value
        $tmp[$key_value[0]] = $key_value[1];

    //after "chunk loop", add `$tmp` to `$new_arr`
    $new_arr[] = $tmp;



    [0] => Array
            [action] => Added
            [quantity] => 1
            [item_code] => RNA1
            [product_name] => Mens Organic T-shirt
            [colour] => White
            [size] => XL

    [1] => Array
            [action] => Subtracted
            [quantity] => 7
            [item_code] => RNC1
            [product_name] => Kids Basic T-shirt
            [colour] => Denim Blue
            [size] => 3-4y

    [2] => Array
            [action] => Added
            [quantity] => 20
            [item_code] => RNV1
            [product_name] => Gift Voucher
            [style] => Mens
            [value] => £20


如果您首先负责这些数据的实际存储方式,最好以更标准化的格式存储它,例如 JSON。您的数据将更容易处理。

以下是将其中一项存储为 JSON 的方法。请注意,这只是对您当前使用的 semi-colons 和 non-quoted 值的微小更改。

$json = '{"action": "Added", "quantity": "1", "item_code": "RNA1", "product_name": "Mens Organic T-shirt", "colour": "White", "size": "XL"}';

在 PHP 中,您可以简单地使用 json_decode() 将其转换为对象:

$item = json_decode($json);




$item = json_decode($json, true);


    [action] => Added
    [quantity] => 1
    [item_code] => RNA1
    [product_name] => Mens Organic T-shirt
    [colour] => White
    [size] => XL