将那么多行读入记录集中,因为在 Excel 文件的 B 列中使用了单元格,使用 ADODB 连接 EXCEL;

Read that many rows into the recordset, as there are used cells in column B in Excel file, using ADODB connection with EXCEL;

最重要的是,代码是用 Word VBA 编辑器编写的,它是从 Word .docm 文件中提取的。

我从这个 Word .docm 文件连接到 Excel 文件(使用 ADODB 连接),它作为客户端数据库,我正在从该文件读取整个 sheet (sheet name = "data") 到动态数组中,稍后将搜索。

问题在于,在这个 Excel 文件中,A 列中有一个索引号,它是使用系列填充手动预填充的,直到第 70000 行。同时,从B列开始的真实数据只有182行。

所以问题是:如何仅检索从该文件中提取的记录集中已有效填充(B 列中最后使用的行)的行数- 当然没有打开文件。并使用 EXCEL.

的 ADODB 连接

我问这个问题是因为在后面的代码中,我需要记录集中的行数才能将其写入动态数组(使用 ReDim 语句),稍后我将需要它来搜索和填充自动生成word文件。

这是我目前得到的代码:(宏将从 Word 文件中获取)

Option Explicit

Private Sub UseADOSelect()

Dim connection As New ADODB.connection
Dim recSet As New ADODB.Recordset    'All the results of the query are placed in a record set;
Dim exclApp As Excel.Application
Dim exclWorkbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim mySheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wordDoc As Word.Document
Dim cntCntrl As ContentControl
Dim strPESELfromWord As String
Dim strQuery As String
Dim intWiersz As Integer
Dim intRemainder As Integer
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim arraySize As Integer
Dim strSexDigit As String
Dim strArray() As String
Dim i As Integer

Set wordDoc = Word.ActiveDocument
Debug.Print wordDoc

strPESELfromWord = Trim(Selection.Text)
Debug.Print strPESELfromWord
Word.Application.Visible = True

strSexDigit = Mid(strPESELfromWord, 10, 1)      'Extract 10th digit from PESEL number
Debug.Print strSexDigit
intRemainder = strSexDigit Mod 2
Debug.Print intRemainder

connection.Open "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source = X:\Roesler\Excel\FW 1\custdb.xlsm;" & _
                "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Macro;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;"";"                 'now it works

strQuery = "SELECT * From [data$]"     '[data$]   is the table name; in this case it's the sheet name;
'recSet.Open strQuery, connection
recSet.Open strQuery, connection, adOpenStatic        ' Or specify adOpenStatic in the Open method directly.
Debug.Print " RecordCount = " & recSet.RecordCount             'https://www.geeksengine.com/article/recordcount-ado-recordset-vba.html
Debug.Print recSet.EOF      'Returns a value that indicates whether the current record position is after the last record in a Recordset object.
                            'At the moment the value is "False".
Debug.Print " RecordCount = " & recSet.RecordCount             'https://www.geeksengine.com/article/recordcount-ado-recordset-vba.html

arraySize = recSet.RecordCount   'I wanted to assign total number of records to arraySize variable to use it later in ReDim statement.
Debug.Print arraySize

ReDim strArray(1 To arraySize)
For i = 1 To arraySize
   strArray(i) = recSet(i)
Next i

intRow = 2

'  For Each cntCntrl In ActiveDocument.ContentControls
'    If cntCntrl.Title = "02KlientPelneImie" Then cntCntrl.Range.Text = objExcel.Sheets("data").Cells(intWiersz, 4)
'    If cntCntrl.Title = "02KlientNrDowodu" Then cntCntrl.Range.Text = objExcel.Sheets("data").Cells(intWiersz, 9)
'  Next

假设我的 Excel 文件 (Worksheets("data")) 中有 182 个有效填充行 - 在第一个空单元格之前,B 列或 C 列中没有空白单元格B 或 C 列中的单元格,目前将是“B183”和“C183”,但随着新客户数据填充后续行,这些列中的第一个空单元格会发生变化。

但永远不会出现 B 列和 C 列中除了第一个空单元格之外还有空白单元格的情况。


假设 B 列称为“mycolumn”


strQuery = "SELECT * From [data$]"

strQuery = "SELECT * From [data$] WHERE mycolumn <> ''"


strQuery = "SELECT * From [data$] WHERE mycolumn <> '' AND mycolumn IS NOT NULL"