
Create a hourly charge schedule based off of user input, plug in or build?


该时间表是在早上 7 点到下午 16 点之间为电动汽车充电的太阳能充电时间表。有6辆汽车和6个太阳能充电器。

我已经构建了第一个 table,用户可以在其中输入汽车登记信息、剩余里程数、下一段旅程所需的英里数以及他们为该旅程需要离开的时间。


每辆车的最大续航里程为 250 英里,充电速度为每小时 44 英里。

这是包含整个项目的 JSFiddle:https://jsfiddle.net/Coxy/1r30xgjc/3/

// Charge Table
// name =reg & value = carname
var regss = [{
    "name": "NP60UQQ",
    "values": "Little White"
    "name": "NP60UQS",
    "values": "Little Grey"
    "name": "NP60UQT",
    "values": "The Tango"
    "name": "NP60UQU",
    "values": "The Gandalf"
    "name": "NP60UQV",
    "values": "Aqua"
    "name": "NP60UQW",
    "values": "Big Red"

$(document).ready(function() {

  paging: false,
  searching: false,
  select: true

$("input[type='text']").change(function() {
//get that values
  var regs = $(this).val().toUpperCase();
//check if have class reg
  if ($(this).hasClass("reg")) {
  //filter json array
    var cars_name = $(regss)
      .filter(function(i, n) {
        return n.name === regs;
      //check if retrn value is > 0
    if (cars_name.length > 0) {
    //add value
     // console.log(cars_name[0].values)

    } else {
    //put mesage not valid
      $(this).closest("tr").find(".name").text("Not a valid Registration")



$("input[type='time']").change(function() {


$(".reset").click(function() {
  $('.ltime').val('').prop('disabled', true);

$(".confirm").click(function() {
//loop through tr
  $("#table_id tbody tr").each(function() {
    //check reg value is null
    if ($(this).find(".reg").val() == "") {
      $(this).find(".name").text("Please enter valid Registration")
    //get value
    var cmra = $(this).find(".cmr").val()
    var mtnc = $(this).find(".mtnc").val()
    if ((cmra != null && cmra != "") && (mtnc != null && mtnc != "")) {
      var miles = Math.ceil((parseInt(mtnc - cmra)) / 44);
    } else if (cmra == null || cmra == "") {
      $(this).find(".charge").text("Please enter the current miles left")
    } else if (mtnc == null || mtnc == "") {
      $(this).find(".charge").text("Please enter the miles needed for next trip")

// Get leave time 

// $(".confirm").click(function() {
//     var car_test = $("#car-1-7").val();
//     var lt_time = $(".time").val();
//     car_test = lt_time;
// });

$( ".leave-input")
$(".confirm").click(function() {
    var value = $( ".leave-input" ).val();
    $( "#car-1-7" ).text( value );

// Generate time table 

$('generate-time-table').click(function() {



我查看了 Stack,似乎没有类似的问题,我一直在寻找可能(经过一些调整)能够做到这一点的插件,但没有找到任何我认为可行的插件。

任何想法或指示都将不胜感激,我对 JS 很陌生,我觉得这有点超出我的范围,我绝对需要 advice/help。


                        <table id="table_id_2" class="table">
                                    <th id="car">Car</th>
                                    <th id="7">7 - 8</th>
                                    <th id="8">8 - 9</th>
                                    <th id="9">9 - 10</th>
                                    <th id="10">10 - 11</th>
                                    <th id="11">11- 12</th>
                                    <th id="12">12 -13</th>
                                    <th id="13">13 - 14</th>
                                    <th id="14">14 - 15</th>
                                    <th id="15">15 - 16</th>
                                    <th id="16">16 - 17</th>
                                    <th id="exit_miles">Exit Miles</th>                            

                                    <td id="car-1">Car 1</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-7" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-8" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-9" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-10" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-11" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-12" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-13" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-14" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-15" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-16" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-1-exit-miles">60</td>

                                    <td id="car-2">Car 2</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-7" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-8" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-9" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-10" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-11" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-12" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-13" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-14" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-15" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-16" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-2-exit-miles">60</td>
                                    <td id="car-3">Car 3</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-7" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-8" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-9" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-10" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-13" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-12" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-13" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-14" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-15" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-16" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-3-exit-miles">60</td>

                                    <td id="car-4" >Car 4</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-7" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-8" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-9" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-10" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-11" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-12" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-13" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-14" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-15" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-16" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-4-exit-miles">60</td>

                                    <td id="car-5">Car 5</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-7" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-8" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-9" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-10" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-11" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-12" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-13" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-14" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-15" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-16" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-5-exit-miles">60</td>

                                    <td id="car-6">Car 6</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-7" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-8" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-9" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-10" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-11" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-12" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-13" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-14" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-15" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-16" class="charging not_charging">Test</td>
                                    <td id="car-6-exit-miles">60</td>


澄清一下,我正在尝试找出这背后的功能。我已经在 HTML 中创建了 table,每个单元格都有自己的 ID。

我正在研究如何:检查休假时间与哪辆车有关,获取休假时间,将其四舍五入到最接近的时间,检查在休假时间之前需要充电多少小时。然后填充时间表,更改需要充电的电池的背景颜色。例如。汽车 1 需要充电 3 小时,12 点离开。时间表会显示汽车 1 行,8 - 0, 9 - 10, 10 - 11 单元格背景颜色已更改,出口里程栏显示汽车充电了多少英里.


编辑** 已设法将休假时间四舍五入,我使用的是数字,而不是分钟的时间。我有充电所需的小时数。

我现在正在研究如何 select 正确的 table 单元格,并更改该单元格的背景颜色,以及它后面需要更改的任何单元格。



当用户点击 generate 按钮时,您首先需要循环 first(charge) table 以使用 $(this).find.. 获取所需数据。现在,计算叶子得到 time 输入然后使用 split 获取数组中的时间,即:a[0] for hrs , a[1] for minutes 等等。然后,用 charge 减去它以获得所需的 leaves

现在,要将这些信息放入另一个 table 中,请再次使用 each 循环。但是,这里我们将使用 tr:eq('+count+') 遍历 tr > tds,这将一次循环一行。在这里面,我们需要使用 for 循环将 background-color 添加到所需的 td。我在代码中添加了注释,以便您了解其背后的逻辑。

演示代码 :

var regss = [{
    "name": "NP60UQQ",
    "values": "Little White"
    "name": "NP60UQS",
    "values": "Little Grey"
    "name": "NP60UQT",
    "values": "The Tango"
    "name": "NP60UQU",
    "values": "The Gandalf"
    "name": "NP60UQV",
    "values": "Aqua"
    "name": "NP60UQW",
    "values": "Big Red"

$(document).ready(function() {

  paging: false,
  searching: false,
  select: true

$("input[type='text']").change(function() {
  var regs = $(this).val().toUpperCase();

  if ($(this).hasClass("reg")) {
    var cars_name = $(regss)
      .filter(function(i, n) {
        return n.name === regs;
    if (cars_name.length > 0) {

    } else {
      $(this).closest("tr").find(".name").text("Not a valid Registration")



$("input[type='time']").change(function() {


$(".reset").click(function() {

$(".confirm").click(function() {

  $("#table_id tbody tr").each(function() {
    if ($(this).find(".reg").val() == "") {
      $(this).find(".name").text("Please enter valid Registration")
    var cmra = $(this).find(".cmr").val()
    var mtnc = $(this).find(".mtnc").val()
    if ((cmra != null && cmra != "") && (mtnc != null && mtnc != "")) {
      var miles = Math.ceil((parseInt(mtnc - cmra)) / 44);
    } else if (cmra == null || cmra == "") {
      $(this).find(".charge").text("Please enter the current miles left")
    } else if (mtnc == null || mtnc == "") {
      $(this).find(".charge").text("Please enter the mtnc  left")
$(".generate").click(function() {
  var count = 0;//for second table
  //remove any bg color in td
  $("#table_id_2 tbody td").css({
    "background-color": ""
  //loop through first table to get datas
  $("#table_id tbody tr").each(function() {
//get required datas
    var car1_name = $(this).find(".name").text();
    var mtnc = $(this).find(".mtnc").val();
    var charges = $(this).find(".charge").text();
    var times = $(this).find('.time').val();
 //get hours i.e : 11:30 so take "11"
    var hrs = times.split(":")[0];
   //get leaves
    var leaves = parseInt(hrs - charges);
    //loop through second table starting from tr eq 0
     $("#table_id_2 tbody tr:eq(" + count + ")").each(function() {
      $(this).find("td:eq(0)").text(car1_name);//set car_name
//if hrs = 11 and leaves = 2 so loop from 11 -10-9-8..
      for (var i = hrs; i >= leaves; i--) {
      //add bg to that td
        $(this).find("td[value=" + i + "]").css({
          "background-color": "yellow"
      // add exit miles 
    count++;//increment to go to next tr 


$(".reset").click(function() {
.table {
  border: 3px solid #000032;
  width: 100%;
button {
    padding: 10px;
    border: none;
    font: inherit;
    color: white;
    background-color: #000032;
    margin: 5px;  
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.21/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>

<div id="table-section" class="table-section">

    <button class="confirm">Confirm</button>
    <button class="reset" type="reset">Reset Reg</button>
    <table id="table_id" class="table">
          <th id="th-reg">Registration</th>
          <th id="th-name">Name</th>
          <th id="th-cmr">Current Miles Range</th>
          <th id="th-cni">Miles needed for next trip</th>
          <th id="th-tl">Hours to charge for next trip</th>
          <th id="tpoc">Time Leaving</th>
          <td><span class="answer"></span><input class="reg question" id="car-1-reg" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Registration"></input>
          <td id="car-1-name" class="name value-reset"></td>
          <td><span id="car-1-cmra" class="answer" type="number"></span><input id="car-1-cmr" class="cmr question" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles Left"></input>
          <td><span id="car-1-mtnc" class="answer" type="number"></span><input id="car-1-mtnc" class="mtnc question" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles needed"></input>
          <td id="car-1-charge-needed" class="charge"></td>
          <td id="car-1-tl" class="tl"><span class="answer time-input" type="text"></span><input class="time" type="time" min="07:00" max="18:00" required></input>

          <td><span class="answer"></span><input id="car-2-reg" class="reg" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Registration"></input>
          <td id="car-2-name" class="name"></td>
          <td><span id="car-2-cmra" class="answer" type="number"></span><input id="car-2-cmr" class="cmr" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles Left"></input>
          <td><span id="car-2-mtnc" class="answer" type="number"></span><input id="car-2-mtnc" class="mtnc" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles needed"></input>
          <td id="car-2-charge-needed" class="charge"></td>
          <td id="car-2-tl" class="tl"><span class="answer" type="time"></span><input class="time" type="time" min="07:00" max="18:00" required></input>

          <td><span class="answer"></span><input id="car-3-reg" class="reg" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Registration"></input>
          <td id="car-3-name" class="name"></td>
          <td><span id="car-3-cmra" class="answer"></span><input id="car-3-cmr" class="cmr" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles Left"></input>
          <td><span id="car-3-mtnc" class="answer" type="number"></span><input id="car-3-mtnc" class="mtnc" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles needed"></input>
          <td id="car-3-charge-needed" class="charge"></td>
          <td id="car-3-tl" class="tl"><span class="answer" type="time"></span><input class="time" type="time" min="07:00" max="18:00" required></input>

          <td><span class="answer"></span><input id="car-4-reg" class="reg" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Registration"></input>
          <td id="car-4-name" class="name"></td>
          <td><span id="car-4-cmra" class="answer"></span><input id="car-4-cmr" class="cmr" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles Left"></input>
          <td><span id="car-4-mtnc" class="answer" type="number"></span><input id="car-4-mtnc" class="mtnc" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles needed"></input>
          <td id="car-4-charge-needed" class="charge"></td>
          <td id="car-4-tl" class="tl"><span class="answer" type="time"></span><input class="time" type="time" min="07:00" max="18:00" required></input>

          <td><span class="answer"></span><input id="car-5-reg" class="reg" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Registration"></input>
          <td id="car-5-name" class="name"></td>
          <td><span id="car-5-cmra" class="answer"></span><input id="car-5-cmr" class="cmr" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles Left"></input>
          <td><span id="car-5-mtnc" class="answer" type="number"></span><input id="car-5-mtnc" class="mtnc" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles needed"></input>
          <td id="car-5-charge-needed" class="charge"></td>
          <td id="car-5-tl" class="tl"><span class="answer" type="time"></span><input class="time" type="time" min="07:00" max="18:00" required></input>

          <td><span class="answer"></span><input id="car-6-reg" class="reg" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Registration"></input>
          <td id="car-6-name" class="name"></td>
          <td><span id="car-6-cmra" class="answer"></span><input id="car-6-cmr" class="cmr" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles Left"></input>
          <td><span id="car-6-mtnc" class="answer" type="number"></span><input id="car-6-mtnc" class="mtnc" type="text" value="" placeholder="Enter Miles needed"></input>
          <td id="car-6-charge-needed" class="charge"></td>
          <td id="car-6-tl" class="tl"><span class="answer" type="time"></span><input class="time" type="time" min="07:00" max="18:00" required></input>


    <button id="generate-time-table" class="generate">Generate Schedule</button>
<div id="schedule " class="schedule">
  <table id="table_id_2" class="table">
        <th id="car">Car</th>
        <th id="7" value="7">7 - 8</th>
        <th id="8" value="8">8 - 9</th>
        <th id="9" value="9">9 - 10</th>
        <th id="10" value="10">10 - 11</th>
        <th id="11" value="11">11- 12</th>
        <th id="12" value="12">12 -13</th>
        <th id="13" value="13">13 - 14</th>
        <th id="14" value="14">14 - 15</th>
        <th id="15" value="15">15 - 16</th>
        <th id="16" value="16">16 - 17</th>
        <th id="exit_miles" class="exit">Exit Miles</th>

  <!-- add attrr value to each td -->
      <tr id="tr-car-1">
        <td id="car-2">Car 1</td>
        <td id="7" value="7"></td>
        <td id="8" value="8"></td>
        <td id="9" value="9"></td>
        <td id="10" value="10"></td>
        <td id="11" value="11"></td>
        <td id="12" value="12"></td>
        <td id="13" value="13"></td>
        <td id="14" value="14"></td>
        <td id="15" value="15"></td>
        <td id="16" value="16"></td>
        <td id="car-1-exit-miles" class="exit">60</td>

        <td id="car-2">Car 2</td>
        <td id="7" value="7"></td>
        <td id="8" value="8"></td>
        <td id="9" value="9"></td>
        <td id="10" value="10"></td>
        <td id="11" value="11"></td>
        <td id="12" value="12"></td>
        <td id="13" value="13"></td>
        <td id="14" value="14"></td>
        <td id="15" value="15"></td>
        <td id="16" value="16"></td>
        <td id="car-2-exit-miles" class="exit">60</td>

        <td id="car-3">Car 3</td>
        <td id="7" value="7"></td>
        <td id="8" value="8"></td>
        <td id="9" value="9"></td>
        <td id="10" value="10"></td>
        <td id="11" value="11"></td>
        <td id="12" value="12"></td>
        <td id="13" value="13"></td>
        <td id="14" value="14"></td>
        <td id="15" value="15"></td>
        <td id="16" value="16"></td>
        <td id="car-3-exit-miles" class="exit">60</td>

        <td id="car-4">Car 4</td>
        <td id="7" value="7"></td>
        <td id="8" value="8"></td>
        <td id="9" value="9"></td>
        <td id="10" value="10"></td>
        <td id="11" value="11"></td>
        <td id="12" value="12"></td>
        <td id="13" value="13"></td>
        <td id="14" value="14"></td>
        <td id="15" value="15"></td>
        <td id="16" value="16"></td>
        <td id="car-4-exit-miles" class="exit">60</td>

        <td id="car-5">Car 5</td>
        <td id="7" value="7"></td>
        <td id="8" value="8"></td>
        <td id="9" value="9"></td>
        <td id="10" value="10"></td>
        <td id="11" value="11"></td>
        <td id="12" value="12"></td>
        <td id="13" value="13"></td>
        <td id="14" value="14"></td>
        <td id="15" value="15"></td>
        <td id="16" value="16"></td>
        <td id="car-5-exit-miles" class="exit">60</td>

        <td id="car-6">Car 6</td>
        <td id="7" value="7"></td>
        <td id="8" value="8"></td>
        <td id="9" value="9"></td>
        <td id="10" value="10"></td>
        <td id="11" value="11"></td>
        <td id="12" value="12"></td>
        <td id="13" value="13"></td>
        <td id="14" value="14"></td>
        <td id="15" value="15"></td>
        <td id="16" value="16"></td>
        <td id="car-6-exit-miles" class="exit">60</td>


注意 :您输入的时间未验证 minmax 您需要使用jquery 这样用户就不会在该时间之后输入。