多参数字典(集合列表) Like: [[String: Any]] to Alamofire Parameters

Multi parameters Dictionary (collection list) Like: [[String: Any]] to Alamofire Parameters

您好,我正在尝试向 alamofire 提供字典中名为“Dict”的参数...字典可以包含 3 或 X 个项目。我正在尝试使用 FOR 循环将字典添加到另一组项目,但是......它只显示最后一个......它似乎覆盖了前一个。我尝试了我所知道的一切……甚至尝试使用 SwiftyJSON 框架……但是 alamofire 只采用纯字典类型。

    var Dict = [[String: Any]]()
    for (index, value) in _SurveySubmitModel.enumerated() {
        print("Item \(index + 1): \(value)")
        let parameters: [String: Any] = [
            "ID": value.ID,
            "SurveyID": value.SurveyID,
            "QuestionID": value.QuestionID,
            "FilledBy": value.FilledBy,
            "Response": value.Response
    print("Dict = \(Dict)")


  "ID": 0,
  "SurveyID": 25,
  "QuestionID": 28,
  "FilledBy": 7335,
  "Response": "1In the two weeks before you felt sick, did you:"
  "ID": 0,
  "SurveyID": 25,
  "QuestionID": 28,
  "FilledBy": 7335,
  "Response": "1In the two weeks before you felt sick, did you:"

尝试下面的代码,我已经将[String: Any]修改为NSDictionary。还更改了 for 循环。

var _SurveySubmitModel = [SurveySubmitModel]()

_SurveySubmitModel.append(SurveySubmitModel(ID: 0, SurveyID: 25, QuestionID: 28, FilledBy: 7335, Response: "1In the two weeks before you felt sick, did you:"))
_SurveySubmitModel.append(SurveySubmitModel(ID: 0, SurveyID: 25, QuestionID: 28, FilledBy: 7335, Response: "1In the two weeks before you felt sick, did you:"))
for survey in _SurveySubmitModel {
    let parameters: NSDictionary = [
        "ID": survey.ID,
        "SurveyID": survey.SurveyID,
        "QuestionID": survey.QuestionID,
        "FilledBy": survey.FilledBy,
        "Response": survey.Response
print("Dict == ", Dict)


Dict ==  [{
    FilledBy = 7335;
    ID = 0;
    QuestionID = 28;
    Response = "1In the two weeks before you felt sick, did you:";
    SurveyID = 25;
}, {
    FilledBy = 7335;
    ID = 0;
    QuestionID = 28;
    Response = "1In the two weeks before you felt sick, did you:";
    SurveyID = 25;


func postValues(requestParams: [[String: AnyObject]], urlString: String) {

    let url = URL(string: urlString)
    var request = URLRequest(url: url!)
    request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
    request.httpMethod = "POST"
    request.httpBody = try! JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: requestParams, options: [])

    AF.request(request).responseJSON { (response) in
        switch response.result {
        case .success:
          //  print(response.result.value)
        case .failure: