
Graph analysis: Identify loop paths


import igraph as ig
G = ig.Graph()
G.add_edges([(0,1), (1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(0,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(6,8)])

有一个 "loop path" 从节点 0 通过 1,2,3 回到 0(抱歉,在图片中节点标签以 1 而不是 0 开头)

对于赋值,我需要确定 "loop path" 连接到图的其余部分的节点,即 0,最重要的是 "loop path" 本身,即 [0,1,2,3,0] and/or [0,3,2,1,0]

我很努力,但真的没有头绪。如果我使用 中的函数,比如 find_all_paths(G,0,0) 我当然只会得到 [0]


在图论中"loop paths"通常被称为循环。



import networkx as nx
G.add_edges_from([(0,1), (1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(0,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(6,8)])


cycles = nx.cycle_basis(G) # list of cycles
cuts = list(nx.articulation_points(G)) # list of cut verteces
nodes_needed = set() # the set of nodes we are looking for
for cycle in cycles:
    for node in cycle:
        if node in cuts:

这是一个使用广度优先搜索查找循环的示例。我想知道是否存在更有效的方法。即使是中等大小的图形,或更长的最大循环长度,这可能 运行 年龄。深度优先搜索也可以这样做。首先,我相信您使用 R 发布了问题,因此在下面也可以找到 R 版本。出于同样的原因,python 版本并不完全符合 pythonic,正如我从 R 快速翻译过来的一样。 解释见代码中的注释。

import igraph

# creating a toy graph
g = igraph.Graph.Erdos_Renyi(n = 100, p = 0.04)

# breadth first search of paths and unique loops
def get_loops(adj, paths, maxlen):
    # tracking the actual path length:
    maxlen -= 1
    nxt_paths = []
    # iterating over all paths:
    for path in paths['paths']:
        # iterating neighbors of the last vertex in the path:
        for nxt in adj[path[-1]]:
            # attaching the next vertex to the path:
            nxt_path = path + [nxt]
            if path[0] == nxt and min(path) == nxt:
                # the next vertex is the starting vertex, we found a loop
                # we keep the loop only if the starting vertex has the 
                # lowest vertex id, to avoid having the same loops 
                # more than once
                # if you don't need the starting vertex 
                # included at the end:
                # paths$loops <- c(paths$loops, list(path))
            elif nxt not in path:
                # keep the path only if we don't create 
                # an internal loop in the path
    # paths grown by one step:
    paths['paths'] = nxt_paths
    if maxlen == 0:
        # the final return when maximum search length reached
        return paths
        # recursive return, to grow paths further
        return get_loops(adj, paths, maxlen)

adj = []
loops = []
# the maximum length to limit computation time on large graphs
# maximum could be vcount(graph), but that might take for ages
maxlen = 4

# creating an adjacency list
# for directed graphs use the 'mode' argument of neighbors() 
# according to your needs ('in', 'out' or 'all')
adj = [[n.index for n in v.neighbors()] for v in g.vs]

# recursive search of loops 
# for each vertex as candidate starting point
for start in xrange(g.vcount()):
    loops += get_loops(adj, 
        {'paths': [[start]], 'loops': []}, maxlen)['loops']



# creating a toy graph
g <- erdos.renyi.game(n = 100, p.or.m = 0.04)

# breadth first search of paths and unique loops
get_loops <- function(adj, paths, maxlen){
    # tracking the actual path length:
    maxlen <- maxlen - 1
    nxt_paths <- list()
    # iterating over all paths:
    for(path in paths$paths){
        # iterating neighbors of the last vertex in the path:
        for(nxt in adj[[path[length(path)]]]){
            # attaching the next vertex to the path:
            nxt_path <- c(path, nxt)
            if(path[1] == nxt & min(path) == nxt){
                # the next vertex is the starting vertex, we found a loop
                # we keep the loop only if the starting vertex has the 
                # lowest vertex id, to avoid having the same loops 
                # more than once
                paths$loops <- c(paths$loops, list(nxt_path))
                # if you don't need the starting vertex included 
                # at the end:
                # paths$loops <- c(paths$loops, list(path))
            }else if(!(nxt %in% path)){
                # keep the path only if we don't create 
                # an internal loop in the path
                nxt_paths <- c(nxt_paths, list(nxt_path))
    # paths grown by one step:
    paths$paths <- nxt_paths
    if(maxlen == 0){
        # the final return when maximum search length reached
        # recursive return, to grow paths further
        return(get_loops(adj, paths, maxlen))

adj <- list()
loops <- list()
# the maximum length to limit computation time on large graphs
# maximum could be vcount(graph), but that might take for ages
maxlen <- 4

# creating an adjacency list
for(v in V(g)){
    # for directed graphs use the 'mode' argument of neighbors() 
    # according to your needs ('in', 'out' or 'all')
    adj[[as.numeric(v)]] <- neighbors(g, v)

# recursive search of loops 
# for each vertex as candidate starting point
for(start in seq(length(adj))){
    loops <- c(loops, get_loops(adj, list(paths = list(c(start)), 
        loops = list()), maxlen)$loops)


感谢 Max Li's and deeenes' help, ihad the idea to rewrite the networkx cycle_basis function 在 python_igraph 工作:

import igraph as ig
G = ig.Graph()
G.add_edges([(0,1), (1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(0,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(6,8)])

def cycle_basis_ig(G,root=None):
gnodes=set(n.index for n in G.vs())
while gnodes:  # loop over connected components
    if root is None:
    while stack:  # walk the spanning tree finding cycles
        z=stack.pop() # use last-in so cycles easier to find
        for nbr in G.neighbors(z,mode='ALL'):
            if nbr not in used:   # new node 
            elif nbr is z:        # self loops
            elif nbr not in zused:# found a cycle
                while p not in pn:
return cycles

cb = cycle_basis_ig(G)
print 'cycle_basis_ig: ', cb

对于大图和有向图@deenes 的回答是正确的,python版本 是O.K.,但是R版本有复制列表次数和次数的瓶颈 同样,我通过以下方式修改它来解决性能问题:

# breadth first search of paths and unique loops
get_loops <- function(adj, paths, maxlen) {
  # tracking the actual path length:
  maxlen <- maxlen - 1
  nxt_paths <- list()
  # count of loops and paths in the next step, avoid copying lists that cause        performance bottleneck.
  if (is.null(paths$lc))
    paths$lc <- 0
  paths$pc <- 0
  # iterating over all paths:
  for (path in paths$paths) {
    # iterating neighbors of the last vertex in the path:
    for (nxt in adj[[path[length(path)]]]) {
      # attaching the next vertex to the path:
      nxt_path <- c(path, nxt)
      if (path[1] == nxt & min(path) == nxt) {
        # the next vertex is the starting vertex, we found a loop
        # we keep the loop only if the starting vertex has the
        # lowest vertex id, to avoid having the same loops
        # more than once
        paths$lc <- paths$lc + 1
        paths$loops[paths$lc] <- list(nxt_path)
        # if you don't need the starting vertex included
        # at the end:
        # paths$loops <- c(paths$loops, list(path))
        # cat(paste(paths$loops,collapse=","));cat("\n")
      } else if (!(nxt %in% path)) {
        # keep the path only if we don't create
        # an internal loop in the path
        paths$pc <- paths$pc + 1
        nxt_paths[paths$pc] <- list(nxt_path)
  # paths grown by one step:
  paths$paths <- nxt_paths
  if (maxlen == 0) {
    # the final return when maximum search length reached
  } else{
    # recursive return, to grow paths further
    return(get_loops(adj, paths, maxlen))