
end for block ignored ninja templating in salt

我得到以下无效的 sls 代码

{% set pillarTree = 'create-login-users_Linux' %}
{% set saltFileSystem = salt['pillar.get']('{{ pillarTree }}:p_metaData:saltFileSystem') %}
{% set userConfigList = salt['pillar.get']('{{ pillarTree }}:p_userData:userConfigList') %}
{% set sftpGroupId = salt['pillar.get']('{{ pillarTree }}:p_userData:loginGroupId') %}

{% if ( grains ['kernel'] == 'Linux' )  %}
#{% for user, args in pillar['users'].items() %}
  {% for user, args in ['userConfigList'].items() %}
    {{ user }}:
        - gid: {{ args['gid'] }}
        - home: {{ args['home'] }}
        - shell: {{ args['shell'] }}
        - uid: {{ args['uid'] }}
        - gid: {{ args['gid'] }}
      {% if 'password' in args %}
        - password: {{ args['password'] }}
      {% if 'enforce_password' in args %}
        - enforce_password: {{ args['enforce_password'] }}
      {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
      - fullname: {{ args['fullname'] }}
      {% if 'groups' in args %}
        - groups: {{ args['groups'] }}
      {% endif %}
      - require:
        - group: {{ user }}
      {% if 'key.pub' in args and args['key.pub'] == True %}
        {{ user }}_key.pub:
          - present
          - user: {{ user }}
          - source: salt://quicken/users/{{ user }}/keys/key.pub
      {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

当我 运行 这个来自 minion 的盐中的代码时,我得到:


Data failed to compile:

Rendering SLS 'test:quicken.create-login-user_Linux' failed: Jinja syntax error: Encountered unknown tag 'endblock'. You probably made a nesting mistake. Jinja is expecting this tag, but currently looking for 'endfor' or 'else'. The innermost block that needs to be closed is 'for'.; line 39


      - present

      - user: {{ user }}

      - source: salt://quicken/users/{{ user }}/keys/key.pub

  {% endif %}

{% endfor %}

{% endblock %} <======================


您的问题很可能是为了“评论”第一个 for 循环,您使用了 #.

但这并没有达到您预期的效果:您的 for 循环仍然存在。

因此,您有两个 for 循环,只有一个 endfor。这是不正确的。

要解决您的问题,您需要使用 Jinja 评论:

{# for user, args in pillar['users'].items() #}
{% for user, args in ['userConfigList'].items() %}

{# .... #} 是注释 jinja 代码的方式。