获取 sh:pvdisplay:升级到 Chef 客户端 16 后找不到命令

Getting sh: pvdisplay: command not found after upgrading to chef client 16

最近我们将 chef-client 从 12.8.1 升级到 16.1.16.. 将 chef-client 从 12.8.1 升级到 16.1.16 后,出现以下错误。 为了测试,我将 chef-client 恢复到 12.8.1 并且部署在 12.8.1 上工作正常。 是否有任何我缺少的代码重构需要升级到 Chef 16.1.16 版本。

20:14:26   * execute[pvcreate] action run[2020-09-09T10:44:26-04:00] INFO: Processing execute[pvcreate] action run (ReportTomcat::default line 153)
20:14:26 [2020-09-09T10:44:26-04:00] INFO: Processing execute[Guard resource] action run (dynamically defined)
20:14:26 sh: pvdisplay: command not found
20:14:26     [execute]   Can't initialize physical volume "/dev/sdc" of volume group "CSPD1VFPR02-ReportTomcat" without -ff
20:14:26                 /dev/sdc: physical volume not initialized.
20:14:26     ================================================================================
20:14:26     [31mError executing action `run` on resource 'execute[pvcreate]'[0m
20:14:26     ================================================================================
20:14:26     Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed
20:14:26     ------------------------------------
20:14:26     Expected process to exit with [0], but received '5'
20:14:26     ---- Begin output of /sbin/pvcreate  /dev/sdc ----
20:14:26     STDOUT: 
20:14:26     STDERR: Can't initialize physical volume "/dev/sdc" of volume group "CSPD1VFPR02-ReportTomcat" without -ff
20:14:26       /dev/sdc: physical volume not initialized.
20:14:26     ---- End output of /sbin/pvcreate  /dev/sdc ----
20:14:26     Ran /sbin/pvcreate  /dev/sdc returned 5
20:14:26     Resource Declaration:
20:14:26     ---------------------
20:14:26     # In /etc/chef/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/ReportTomcat/recipes/default.rb
20:14:26     153:   execute "pvcreate" do
20:14:26     154:      command "/sbin/pvcreate  #{ node['il']['ReportTomcat']['pvcreate']['drive']}"
20:14:26     155:      not_if "pvdisplay | grep  #{ node['il']['ReportTomcat']['pvcreate']['drive']}"
20:14:26     156:   end
20:14:26     157: 
20:14:26     Compiled Resource:
20:14:26     ------------------
20:14:26     # Declared in /etc/chef/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/ReportTomcat/recipes/default.rb:153:in `from_file'
20:14:26     execute("pvcreate") do
20:14:26       action [:run]
20:14:26       default_guard_interpreter :execute
20:14:26       command "/sbin/pvcreate  /dev/sdc"
20:14:26       backup 5
20:14:26       declared_type :execute
20:14:26       cookbook_name "ReportTomcat"
20:14:26       recipe_name "default"
20:14:26       domain nil
20:14:26       user nil
20:14:26       not_if "pvdisplay | grep  /dev/sdc"
20:14:26     end


20:43:27     [execute] dzdo: sysctl: command not found
20:43:27               dzdo: sysctl: command not found
20:43:27     ================================================================================
20:43:27     [31mError executing action `run` on resource 'bash[extract_module]'[0m
20:43:27     ================================================================================
20:43:27     Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed
20:43:27     ------------------------------------
20:43:27     Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
20:43:27     ---- Begin output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20200909-22973-7ommnx" ----
20:43:27     STDOUT: 
20:43:27     STDERR: dzdo: sysctl: command not found
20:43:27     dzdo: sysctl: command not found
20:43:27     ---- End output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20200909-22973-7ommnx" ----
20:43:27     Ran "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20200909-22973-7ommnx" returned 1
20:43:27     Resource Declaration:
20:43:27     ---------------------
20:43:27     # In /etc/chef/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/il-content-middleware-service/recipes/contentmiddleware_service.rb
20:43:27      59: bash 'extract_module' do
20:43:27      60:     code <<-EOH
20:43:27      61:         sudo sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=1024
20:43:27      62:         sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=4096
20:43:27      63:     EOH
20:43:27      64: end
20:43:27      65: 

出现此问题是因为在 Chef 14.2 中向 execute 资源添加了一个新的 属性。


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

When true this enables ENV magic to add path_sanity to the PATH and force the locale to English+UTF-8 for parsing output

New in Chef Client 14.2

这就是为什么 /sbin/pvcreate 是 运行(尽管它失败了),而不是 pvdisplay

client.rb 配置中对此有进一步的解释。


Turn on path sanity in resources that shellout so that expected paths like /sbin or /bin are added to the PATH. Disabled by default.


  1. 在您的 execute/bash 资源中为命令使用绝对路径。示例:

    not_if "/sbin/pvdisplay | grep #{node['il']['ReportTomcat']['pvcreate']['drive']}"
    sudo /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=1024 
  2. default_env true 添加到您的执行资源。示例:

    execute 'pvcreate' do
      command "pvcreate #{node['il']['ReportTomcat']['pvcreate']['drive']}"
      default_env true
      not_if "pvdisplay | grep #{node['il']['ReportTomcat']['pvcreate']['drive']}"
  3. client.rb中启用enforce_path_sanity,这将对ShellOut的所有Chef资源生效。示例:

    enforce_path_sanity true

enforce_path_sanity 替换为 enforce_default_pathsgithub 厨师有一个未解决的问题。