
Perl how to introduce a text in front of a keyword(match) and keep the rest from a file

我是 perl 的新手,我需要在找到关键字(匹配)后通过添加一些文本来编辑文本文件,我需要将更改保存在同一个文件中但保留所有旧信息,而不是覆盖任何东西。


To make a summary:

data that will change (not interested)


empty spaces < DATA >B506JGHD (< DATA > it would be the keyword(match) and i want to add for example 00000001 after it)

output that I need:empty spaces< DATA >00000001B506JGHD


empty spaces< DATA >J6443MNF

output:empty spaces< DATA >00000002J6443MNF


empty spaces< DATA >C89583F

output:empty spaces< DATA >00000003C89583F

other data (not interested)  

等等,就像文件中的 7 < DATA > 所以我想为每个 < DATA > 添加 00000000 到 00000006。


What I tried so far is this:

use strict;
use warnings;

open FILE, "<FL_85E920795_Y060_H21_V001_E.odx" or die $!;
my @lines = < FILE >;
close FILE or die $!;

my $idx = 0;
my $string = '00000000';
do {
    if($lines[$idx] =~ /< DATA >/) 
            splice @lines, $idx, 0, $string++;
    } until($idx >= @lines);

open FILE, ">FL_85E920795_Y060_H21_V001_E.odx" or die $!;
print FILE join("",@lines);
close FILE;

但对我帮助不大,因为我的输出是这样的: 00000000 个空格 < DATA > 信息,如果我尝试将我想要的数据移动到 < DATA > 前面,它会覆盖所有内容。

我会接受对我有用的第一个响应作为解决方案。 非常感谢


use strict;
use warnings;

my $counter = "00000000";
while (<>) {
   s{< DATA >\K}{ $counter++ }eg;


the_script "$fn" >"$fn".new
mv "$fn".new "$fn"

\K“保留”与 \K 匹配的内容,因此仅将 < DATA > 后面的空字符串替换为替换表达式返回的值。


perl -i -pe'BEGIN { $c = "00000000" }  s{< DATA >\K}{ $c++ }eg' \



  • 此解决方案将整个文件读入内存
  • 如果文件太大,最好的方法是逐行读取
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

my $count = 0;
my $re_match = qr/< DATA >/;

my $data = do { local $/; <DATA> };

$data =~ s/$re_match/sprintf "%08d",$count++/ge;

say $data;

To make a summary:

data that will change (not interested)


empty spaces < DATA >B506JGHD (< DATA > it would be the keyword(match) and i want to add for example 00000001 after it)

output that I need:empty spaces< DATA >00000001B506JGHD


empty spaces< DATA >J6443MNF

output:empty spaces< DATA >00000002J6443MNF


empty spaces< DATA >C89583F

output:empty spaces< DATA >00000003C89583F

other data (not interested) 


To make a summary:

data that will change (not interested)


empty spaces 00000000B506JGHD (00000001 it would be the keyword(match) and i want to add for example 00000001 after it)

output that I need:empty spaces0000000200000001B506JGHD


empty spaces00000003J6443MNF

output:empty spaces0000000400000002J6443MNF


empty spaces00000005C89583F

output:empty spaces0000000600000003C89583F

other data (not interested)