Marklogic 管理界面只读访问

Marklogic admin interface read only access

只有 Marklogic 管理员才能访问 Marklogic 管理界面。对开发人员和支持人员具有对管理界面的只读访问权限以查看各种实例的配置方式会很有帮助。但是我没有看到设置只读用户的选项。有这样的选择吗?

您可以通过 "Configuration Manager" 执行此操作,该选项卡作为端口 8000 顶部的选项卡提供。正如其帮助文档所解释的...

The Configuration Manager allows you to view the configuration settings for MarkLogic Server resources. A resource is a MarkLogic Server object, such as a database, forest, App Server, group or host.

Use the Configuration Manager to:

  • Allow non-admin users read-only access to configuration settings for databases, forests, groups, hosts, and App Servers.
  • Easily search for resources and configuration settings.
  • Safely review settings in read-only mode, then jump directly to the resource in the Admin Interface to modify the settings. (Administrative privileges are required to modify settings).
  • Save resource configurations as XML inside a zip folder.
  • Import previously saved resource configurations. Importing a configuration allows you to compare versions and update configuration settings.
  • View data available through the Management REST API.