
C# Improve parallel performance of Sparse Matrix Row and Column Total Calculations

我有一个包含大约 1 亿个非零元素的稀疏矩阵:

// [Row][Column][Element]
public IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, decimal>> MyMatrix { get; private set; }


private void RowSum()
    var rowTotals = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, decimal>();

    Parallel.ForEach(MyMatrix, (row) =>
         rowTotals.TryAdd(row.Key, row.Value.Sum(x => x.Value));


private void ColumnSum()
   var columnTotals = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, decimal>();

   Parallel.ForEach(MyMatrix, (row) =>
        foreach (var column in row.Value)
            columnTotals.AddOrUpdate(column.Key, column.Value, 
                 (key, old) => old + column.Value);

为了加快列计算速度,我可以创建一个 [Column][Row][Element] 矩阵,但这会使 RAM 要求加倍。是否有任何方法或数据结构可以让列计算与行计算一样快,而无需加倍内存?

可能发生的情况是存在对中心化 ConcurrentDictionary 的争夺。如果是这种情况,您可以尝试 Parallel.ForEachlocalInit 重载,为每个任务批处理提供自己的本地(和无竞争)Dictionary,然后将其聚合到中央字典中结束:

var columnTotals = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, decimal>();

    // Each Task gets own dictionary
    () => new Dictionary<int, decimal>(),
    (row, state, colTots) =>
        foreach (var column in row.Value)
            if (!colTots.ContainsKey(column.Key))
                colTots[column.Key] = column.Value;
                colTots[column.Key] += column.Value;
        return colTots;
    colTots =>
        // Aggregate the dictionaries
        foreach (var column in colTots)
            columnTotals.AddOrUpdate(column.Key, column.Value, 
                (key, old) => old + column.Value);


一些计时(100000 x 100000 space 中填充了 1000 万个元素)

  • 你的 RowSum 425ms
  • 你的 ColumnSum 7774ms
  • localInit ColumnSum 3324ms




 Parallel.ForEach(MyMatrix, (row) =>
        foreach (var column in row.Value)
            columnTotals.AddOrUpdate(column.Key, 0, (key, old) => old + column.Value);


 Parallel.ForEach(MyMatrix, (row) =>
        foreach (var column in row.Value)
            columnTotals.AddOrUpdate(column.Key, column.value, (key, old) => old + column.Value);

我认为您可以通过从 public IDictionary<Tuple<int, int>, decimal> MyMatrix { get; private set; }


如果最高列值和最低列值之间的差异小到足以创建一个简单的 int 数组,您可以按以下步骤进行:

确定最高值和最低值以进一步创建一个对应数组,将每个列值关联到用于对值求和的 2 个数组中的索引,即存储列值的数组,并并行存储列总计。


private void ColumnSum()
   int highestKeyValue=int.MinValue;
   int lowestKeyValue =int.MaxValue;
   Parallel.ForEach(MyMatrix, (row) =>
   { // identify highest and lowest column value
     foreach (var column in row.Value) 
       lowest =Math.Min(lowestKeyValue ,column.Key) ; 
       highest=Math.Max(highestKeyValue,column.Key) ; 
   // Create correspondence array 
   int[] corrrespondence=new int[highestKeyValue-lowestKeyValue]; 
   for (int i=0;i<highest-lowest;i++) corrrespondence[i]=-1 ; 
   Parallel.ForEach(MyMatrix, (row) =>
   { // tag the key values found in matrix
     foreach (var column in row.Value) corrrespondence[column.Key-lowest]=0 ; 
   int columnsCount=0 ;
   // compute the indexes to result arrays
   for (int i=0;i<highest-lowest;i++) 
     if (corrrespondence[i]>=0) corrrespondence[i]=columnsCount++  ; 
   // allocate and initialize results array
   int[] columnValues=new int[columnsCount]() ;
   int[] columnTotals=new int[columnsCount]() ;
   for (int i=0;i<columnsCount;i++) columnTotals[i]=0 ; 
   Parallel.ForEach(MyMatrix, (row) =>
     foreach (var column in row.Value)
       int j=correspondence[column.Key-lowest] ;
       // a lock on results[j] is required there to avoid concurrent update of results[j] 
       columnValues[j]=column.Key ;
       columnTotals[j]+=column.Value ;