
Why doesn't address change in forked process?

我正在尝试理解 fork() 和进程地址 space。我编写了一个基本的概念验证程序,该程序分叉一个新进程并更改新进程中的一个变量。我的期望是,当我更改子变量中的变量时,这应该会导致该变量获得新地址。如果我理解正确,Linux 使用 fork 进行写时复制。因此,我希望父项和子项中的变量地址匹配,直到我在其中一个中更改它。然后我希望他们有所不同。然而,这不是我所看到的。

这是因为写时复制从物理内存分配了一个新页面,但进程地址 space 没有改变 - 只是被 TLB 重新映射到新页面?还是我不理解这一点或在我的程序中犯了转储错误?


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void describe(const std::string &descr, const int &data) {
    pid_t ppid = getppid();
    pid_t pid = getpid();

    std::cout << "In " << descr << ":\n"
              << "Parent Process ID:  " << ppid
              << "\nMy Process ID:  " << pid
              << "\nValue of data:  " << data
              << "\nAddress of data:  " << &data << "\n\n";

void change(int &data) {
    // Should cause data to get new page frame:
    data *= 2;

int main () {
    int data = 42;
    int status;

    pid_t pid = fork();

    switch(pid) {
        case -1:
            std::cerr << "Error:  Failed to successfully fork a process.\n";
        case 0:
            // In forked child
            describe("Child", data);
            // Lazy way to wait for parent to run describe:
            // In calling parent
            describe("Parent", data);
            // Lazy way to wait for child to run describe:

    if (pid == 0) {
        std::cout << "Only change data in child...\n";
        describe("Child", data);
    } else {
        // Lazy way to wait for child to change data:
        describe("Parent", data);

    // Wait for child:
    if (pid != 0) {

    return 0;


ubuntuvm:~$ ./example
In Parent:
Parent Process ID:  265569
My Process ID:  316986
Value of data:  42
Address of data:  0x7fffb63878d4

In Child:
Parent Process ID:  316986
My Process ID:  316987
Value of data:  42
Address of data:  0x7fffb63878d4

Only change data in child...
In Child:
Parent Process ID:  316986
My Process ID:  316987
Value of data:  84
Address of data:  0x7fffb63878d4

In Parent:
Parent Process ID:  265569
My Process ID:  316986
Value of data:  42
Address of data:  0x7fffb63878d4

My expectation was that when I change a variable in the child, this should cause that variable to get a new address.


If I understand correctly, Linux does copy-on-write with fork. So I would expect the variable address in the parent and child to match until I change it in one of them.


Is this because with copy-on-write a new page is allocated from physical memory, but the process address space is unchanged - just remapped to the new page by the TLB?


int * p = new int;

if (!fork()) {
    // the child

    *p = 42;

    // now `p` is invalid since we wrote to it?!

    // another read or write would segfault!
    *p = 43;

在某种程度上,这就像在其中一个平台(对我们来说是页面)踩一次就会掉下来的游戏中进行现场直播。很好玩! :)

我们可以检查通过让操作系统或 CPU 用新地址重写(以某种方式)您的指针来解决问题,以保持一切正常。

然而,即使那是可能的,我们还有更多问题。例如,您需要处理覆盖多个页面的分配。想象一下堆栈(假设 Linux 在 fork() 上也为堆栈执行 CoW)。一旦向堆栈写入任何内容,您就必须更新堆栈指针并复制所有页面,而不仅仅是修改后的页面。

然后我们必须解决间接指针和不指向分配的数据结构中的指针等。如果不跟踪哪些寄存器和指针需要为每个可能的未来写入更新(或有一些正如@R 提到的那样,C 指针的整体实现不同——寄存器等也相同)。