C# LanguageExt - 将多个异步调用组合成一个分组调用

C# LanguageExt - combine multiple async calls into one grouped call


class MyThing {}
Task<Try<MyThing>> GetThing(int thingId) {...}

我想从数据存储中查找多个项目,并编写了一个新方法来执行此操作。我还编写了一个辅助方法,它将采用多个 Try<T> 并将它们的结果组合成一个 Try<IEnumerable<T>>.

public static class TryExtensions
    Try<IEnumerable<T>> Collapse<T>(this IEnumerable<Try<T>> items)
        var failures = items.Fails().ToArray();
        return failures.Any() ?
            Try<IEnumerable<T>>(new AggregateException(failures)) :
            Try(items.Select(i => i.Succ(a => a).Fail(Enumerable.Empty<T>())));

async Task<Try<MyThing[]>> GetThings(IEnumerable<string> ids)
    var results = new List<Try<Things>>();

    foreach (var id in ids)
        var thing = await GetThing(id);

    return results.Collapse().Map(p => p.ToArray());


async Task<Try<MyThing[]>> GetThings(IEnumerable<string> ids)
    var tasks = ids.Select(async id => await GetThing(id)).ToArray();
    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
    return tasks.Select(t => t.Result).Collapse().Map(p => p.ToArray());

问题是所有任务都将 运行 并行进行,我不想用大量并行请求来破坏我的数据存储。我真正想要的是使用 monadic 原则和 LanguageExt 的特性使我的代码具有功能性。有谁知道如何做到这一点?


感谢@MatthewWatson 的建议,这就是 SemaphoreSlim;

async Task<Try<MyThing[]>> GetThings(IEnumerable<string> ids)
    var mutex = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
    var results = ids.Select(async id =>
        await mutex.WaitAsync();
        try { return await GetThing(id); }
        finally { mutex.Release(); }
    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
    return tasks.Select(t => t.Result).Collapse().Map(Enumerable.ToArray);
    return results.Collapse().Map(p => p.ToArray());

问题是,这仍然不是一元化/函数式的,最终代码行数比我原来的代码多了一个 foreach 块。


var tasks = ids.Select(async id => await GetThing(id)).ToArray();

除了 Tasks 不会 运行 顺序 所以你最终会遇到许多查询访问你的数据存储,这是由 .ToArray()Task.WhenAll。一旦你调用 .ToArray() 它已经分配并启动了任务,所以如果你可以“容忍”一个 foreach 来实现顺序任务 运行ning,就像这样:

public static class TaskExtensions
    public static async Task RunSequentially<T>(this IEnumerable<Task<T>> tasks)
        foreach (var task in tasks) await task;

Despite that running a "loop" of queries is not a quite good practice in general, unless you have in some background service and some special scenario, leveraging this to the Database engine through WHERE thingId IN (...) in general is a better option. Even you have big amount of thingIds we can slice it into small 10s, 100s.. to narrow the WHERE IN footprint.

回到我们的 RunSequentially,我 想让它更实用,例如:

tasks.ToList().ForEach(async task => await task);

但遗憾的是,这仍然 运行 有点“并行”任务。


async Task<Try<MyThing[]>> GetThings(IEnumerable<string> ids)
    var tasks = ids.Select(id => GetThing(id));// remember don't use .ToArray or ToList...
    await tasks.RunSequentially();
    return tasks.Select(t => t.Result).Collapse().Map(p => p.ToArray());

另一个矫枉过正的功能解决方案是在 Queue 递归 中获得 Lazy !!

而不是 GetThing,只需将 GetThing:

包裹起来,就可以得到 returns Lazy<Task<Try<MyThing>>> 的 Lazy GetLazyThing
new Lazy<Task<Try<MyThing>>>(() => GetThing(id))


public static async Task RecRunSequentially<T>(this IEnumerable<Lazy<Task<T>>> tasks)
    var queue = tasks.EnqueueAll();
    await RunQueue(queue);

public static Queue<T> EnqueueAll<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list)
    var queue = new Queue<T>();
    list.ToList().ForEach(m => queue.Enqueue(m));
    return queue;

public static async Task RunQueue<T>(Queue<Lazy<Task<T>>> queue)
    if (queue.Count > 0)
        var task = queue.Dequeue();
        await task.Value; // this unwraps the Lazy object content
        await RunQueue(queue);


var lazyTasks = ids.Select(id => GetLazyThing(id));
await lazyTasks.RecRunSequentially();
// Now collapse and map as you like


然而,如果您不喜欢 EnqueueAllRunQueue 不是“纯粹”的事实,我们可以采用相同的 Lazy 技巧[=34] =]

public static async Task AwaitSequentially<T>(this Lazy<Task<T>>[] array, int index = 0)
    if (array == null || index < 0 || index >= array.Length - 1) return;
    await array[index].Value;
    await AwaitSequentially(array, index + 1); // ++index is not pure :)


var lazyTasks = ids.Select(id => GetLazyThing(id));
await tasks.ToArray().AwaitSequentially();
// Now collapse and map as you like