使用 VBA 中的下一个和上一个按钮加载 Excel 中给定数据的用户窗体
Using Next and Previous Buttons in VBA to Load Userform Given Data in Excel
我正在 excel-VBA 中处理用户表单。我正在尝试使用下一个和上一个按钮循环浏览 table 中的上一个条目。上一个按钮应该 select 上一行并将其加载到用户窗体中。下一个按钮应该 select 下一行并将其加载到用户窗体中,因为 well.The 数据 table 没有设置长度。以下是我对此的尝试。我知道我在两个按钮功能之间断开连接,但不确定如何连接它们。任何帮助将不胜感激。我会尽快回复。
Public PrevRow1 As Long
Public cnt1 As Long
Public cnt2 As Long
'Prev Button
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
cnt1 = cnt1 + 1
PrevRow1 = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1 - cnt1 + cnt2
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 1)
ComboBox10.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 2)
ComboBox2.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 3)
ComboBox3.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 4)
ComboBox4.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 5)
TextBox6.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 6)
TextBox2.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 7)
TextBox3.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 8)
TextBox4.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 10)
ComboBox6.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 11)
ComboBox7.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 12)
ComboBox8.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 13)
ComboBox9.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 14)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 15)
If PrevRow1 = 1 Then
MsgBox "This is the last entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton4.Enabled = False
End If
Me.Label15.Caption = PrevRow1 - 1 & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) - 1
End Sub
'Next button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Dim i As Long
cnt2 = cnt2 + 1
Dim NextRow1 As Long
NextRow1 = PrevRow1 - (cnt1 - cnt2) + 3
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 1)
ComboBox10.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 2)
ComboBox2.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 3)
ComboBox3.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 4)
ComboBox4.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 5)
TextBox6.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 6)
TextBox2.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 7)
TextBox3.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 8)
TextBox4.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 10)
ComboBox6.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 11)
ComboBox7.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 12)
ComboBox8.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 13)
ComboBox9.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 14)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 15)
Me.Label15.Caption = NextRow1 - 1 & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) - 1
End Sub
Public nCurrentRow As Long
Sub UserForm_Initialize()
nCurrentRow = Sheets(4).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
end sub
'Prev button
Private Sub CommandButton14_Click()
nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow - 1
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
Loop Until nCurrentRow = 1 Or Sheets(4).Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox12.Value
End Sub
'Next Button
Private Sub CommandButton15_Click()
nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow + 1
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
Loop Until Sheets(4).Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = "" Or Sheets(4).Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox12.Value
End Sub
Private Sub TraverseData(nRow As Long)
Me.ComboBox1.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 1)
Me.ComboBox10.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 2)
Me.ComboBox2.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 3)
Me.ComboBox3.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 4)
Me.ComboBox4.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 5)
Me.TextBox6.Text = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 6)
Me.TextBox2.Text = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 7)
Me.TextBox3.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 8)
Me.TextBox4.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 10)
Me.ComboBox6.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 11)
Me.ComboBox7.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 12)
Me.ComboBox8.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 13)
Me.ComboBox9.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 14)
Me.TextBox5.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 15)
End Sub
我很难确定 cnt1 and
cnt2 指的是什么。
在我看来,您只需要一个公开声明的变量来引用加载到 table 中的数据行。一旦根据所需的行为加载了用户窗体,就应该设置该变量。例如,用户窗体从最后一行加载数据。
Public nCurrentRow As Long
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow + 1
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
Loop Until Sheet1.Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = "" Or Sheet1.Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()
nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow - 1
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
Loop Until nCurrentRow = 1 Or Sheet1.Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
nCurrentRow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
End Sub
Private Sub TraverseData(nRow As Long)
Me.TextBox1.Value = Sheet1.Cells(nRow, 1)
Me.TextBox2.Value = Sheet1.Cells(nRow, 2)
Me.TextBox3.Value = Sheet1.Cells(nRow, 3)
End Sub
请注意,我将 `TraverseData 封装到它自己的 SubRoutine 中,因此您不必为每个按钮重写它。它确实清理了数据。
Public ViewRow as long
'Prev Button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
if ViewRow > 1 then 'assumes row 1 is the first row
ViewRow = ViewRow - 1
CommandButton5.Enabled = True
if ViewRow = 1 then
MsgBox "This is the first entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton4.Enabled = False
end if
end if
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(ViewRow, 1)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(ViewRow, 15)
Me.Label15.Caption = ViewRow & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
End Sub
'Next button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
if ViewRow < WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) then
ViewRow = ViewRow + 1
CommandButton4.Enabled = True
if ViewRow = 1 then
MsgBox "This is the last entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton5.Enabled = False
end if
end if
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 1)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 15)
Me.Label15.Caption = ViewRow & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
End Sub
Public ViewRow as long
'Prev Button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
if ViewRow > 1 then 'assumes row 1 is the first row
ViewRow = ViewRow - 1
CommandButton5.Enabled = True
if ViewRow = 1 then
MsgBox "This is the first entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton4.Enabled = False
end if
end if
call populate_row(ViewRow)
End Sub
'Next button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
if ViewRow < WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) then
ViewRow = ViewRow + 1
CommandButton4.Enabled = True
if ViewRow = 1 then
MsgBox "This is the last entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton5.Enabled = False
end if
end if
call populate_row(ViewRow)
End Sub
Sub populate_row(thisrow as long)
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 1)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 15)
Me.Label15.Caption = ViewRow & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
End Sub
我正在 excel-VBA 中处理用户表单。我正在尝试使用下一个和上一个按钮循环浏览 table 中的上一个条目。上一个按钮应该 select 上一行并将其加载到用户窗体中。下一个按钮应该 select 下一行并将其加载到用户窗体中,因为 well.The 数据 table 没有设置长度。以下是我对此的尝试。我知道我在两个按钮功能之间断开连接,但不确定如何连接它们。任何帮助将不胜感激。我会尽快回复。
Public PrevRow1 As Long
Public cnt1 As Long
Public cnt2 As Long
'Prev Button
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
cnt1 = cnt1 + 1
PrevRow1 = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1 - cnt1 + cnt2
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 1)
ComboBox10.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 2)
ComboBox2.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 3)
ComboBox3.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 4)
ComboBox4.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 5)
TextBox6.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 6)
TextBox2.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 7)
TextBox3.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 8)
TextBox4.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 10)
ComboBox6.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 11)
ComboBox7.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 12)
ComboBox8.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 13)
ComboBox9.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 14)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(PrevRow1, 15)
If PrevRow1 = 1 Then
MsgBox "This is the last entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton4.Enabled = False
End If
Me.Label15.Caption = PrevRow1 - 1 & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) - 1
End Sub
'Next button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Dim i As Long
cnt2 = cnt2 + 1
Dim NextRow1 As Long
NextRow1 = PrevRow1 - (cnt1 - cnt2) + 3
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 1)
ComboBox10.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 2)
ComboBox2.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 3)
ComboBox3.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 4)
ComboBox4.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 5)
TextBox6.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 6)
TextBox2.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 7)
TextBox3.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 8)
TextBox4.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 10)
ComboBox6.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 11)
ComboBox7.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 12)
ComboBox8.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 13)
ComboBox9.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 14)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 15)
Me.Label15.Caption = NextRow1 - 1 & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) - 1
End Sub
Public nCurrentRow As Long
Sub UserForm_Initialize()
nCurrentRow = Sheets(4).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
end sub
'Prev button
Private Sub CommandButton14_Click()
nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow - 1
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
Loop Until nCurrentRow = 1 Or Sheets(4).Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox12.Value
End Sub
'Next Button
Private Sub CommandButton15_Click()
nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow + 1
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
Loop Until Sheets(4).Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = "" Or Sheets(4).Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox12.Value
End Sub
Private Sub TraverseData(nRow As Long)
Me.ComboBox1.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 1)
Me.ComboBox10.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 2)
Me.ComboBox2.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 3)
Me.ComboBox3.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 4)
Me.ComboBox4.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 5)
Me.TextBox6.Text = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 6)
Me.TextBox2.Text = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 7)
Me.TextBox3.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 8)
Me.TextBox4.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 10)
Me.ComboBox6.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 11)
Me.ComboBox7.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 12)
Me.ComboBox8.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 13)
Me.ComboBox9.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 14)
Me.TextBox5.Value = Sheets(4).Cells(nRow, 15)
End Sub
我很难确定 cnt1 and
cnt2 指的是什么。
在我看来,您只需要一个公开声明的变量来引用加载到 table 中的数据行。一旦根据所需的行为加载了用户窗体,就应该设置该变量。例如,用户窗体从最后一行加载数据。
Public nCurrentRow As Long
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow + 1
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
Loop Until Sheet1.Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = "" Or Sheet1.Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()
nCurrentRow = nCurrentRow - 1
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
Loop Until nCurrentRow = 1 Or Sheet1.Cells(nCurrentRow, 1).Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
nCurrentRow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
TraverseData (nCurrentRow)
End Sub
Private Sub TraverseData(nRow As Long)
Me.TextBox1.Value = Sheet1.Cells(nRow, 1)
Me.TextBox2.Value = Sheet1.Cells(nRow, 2)
Me.TextBox3.Value = Sheet1.Cells(nRow, 3)
End Sub
请注意,我将 `TraverseData 封装到它自己的 SubRoutine 中,因此您不必为每个按钮重写它。它确实清理了数据。
Public ViewRow as long
'Prev Button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
if ViewRow > 1 then 'assumes row 1 is the first row
ViewRow = ViewRow - 1
CommandButton5.Enabled = True
if ViewRow = 1 then
MsgBox "This is the first entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton4.Enabled = False
end if
end if
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(ViewRow, 1)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(ViewRow, 15)
Me.Label15.Caption = ViewRow & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
End Sub
'Next button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
if ViewRow < WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) then
ViewRow = ViewRow + 1
CommandButton4.Enabled = True
if ViewRow = 1 then
MsgBox "This is the last entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton5.Enabled = False
end if
end if
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 1)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 15)
Me.Label15.Caption = ViewRow & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
End Sub
Public ViewRow as long
'Prev Button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
if ViewRow > 1 then 'assumes row 1 is the first row
ViewRow = ViewRow - 1
CommandButton5.Enabled = True
if ViewRow = 1 then
MsgBox "This is the first entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton4.Enabled = False
end if
end if
call populate_row(ViewRow)
End Sub
'Next button
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
if ViewRow < WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) then
ViewRow = ViewRow + 1
CommandButton4.Enabled = True
if ViewRow = 1 then
MsgBox "This is the last entry.", , "Alert!"
CommandButton5.Enabled = False
end if
end if
call populate_row(ViewRow)
End Sub
Sub populate_row(thisrow as long)
ComboBox1.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 1)
TextBox5.Value = Cells(NextRow1, 15)
Me.Label15.Caption = ViewRow & " " & "of" & " " & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A"))
End Sub