"Syntax error or access violation" - 从 Schema::facade 迁移,但语句执行无误

"Syntax error or access violation" - in migration from Schema:: facade, but statement executes without error

我写了一个迁移,它在我的测试数据库上执行得很好——做了几十个测试 运行s 没有问题。我 运行 它在我的产品数据库的克隆上,突然间我遇到了各种各样的问题。我开始认为这是数据库配置或权限问题,但我以 root 身份登录到此克隆,所以我什至不确定从哪里开始寻找...

如果我从错误中复制 mysql 语句(...并修复丢失的数据),该语句将毫无问题地执行。

ALTER TABLE `retail_items-tmp_09-10-2020` CHANGE original_inventory initial_inventory INT DEFAULT NULL;


Schema::table('retail_items-tmp_09-10-2020', function($table) {


[PDOException (42000)]
  SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-tmp_09-10-2020 CHANGE original_inventory initial_inventory INT DEFAULT NULL' at line 1 


    public function up()
        /* 1. Backup Existing Tables */

          DB::statement('CREATE TABLE `retail_items-tmp_09-10-2020` LIKE `retail_items`; ');
          DB::statement('CREATE TABLE `ARCH__retail_items_09-10-2020` LIKE `retail_items`; ');

          DB::statement('INSERT INTO `retail_items-tmp_09-10-2020` SELECT * FROM `retail_items`; ');
          DB::statement('INSERT INTO `ARCH__retail_items_09-10-2020` SELECT * FROM `retail_items`;');

        /* 2. Update structure */

          Schema::table('retail_items-tmp_09-10-2020', function($table) {

          Schema::table('retail_items-tmp_09-10-2020', function($table) {

        /* 3. Update structure that would have been destructive prior to step 3 */

          // When I had this piece of code included, it resulted in the same error "Syntax error or access violation..." this worked in testing, but throws errors on Prod, changed to DB:statement below with success.
          // Schema::table('retail_items-tmp_09-10-2020', function($table) {
          //   $table->smallInteger('flag')->unsigned()->nullable(false)->default(0)->change();
          // });

          $query = "ALTER TABLE `retail_items-tmp_09-10-2020` CHANGE `flag` `flag` SMALLINT(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL; ";


(我有另一个重命名临时 table 的迁移。我有一些迁移和数据操作,用我编写的这段代码总共需要 10 分钟以上的时间来执行我正在启动它,所以温度 tables 是必要的,以防止在生产中启动时停机)


即使引用得当,我还是阅读了很多 S.O。关于这个主题的帖子,正如 Webtect 所建议的那样,我最终只是简单地删除了 all 破折号,并且事情更加一致和可靠。我仍然觉得 为什么 是个谜,因为我以前在这样的日期中使用过连字符 - 正确引用 - 没有问题。但这确实让我大吃一惊。我想我将完全停止在 dated-table-names 中使用连字符的做法。它们似乎比改进的可读性保证更令人头疼。