如何在 Ionic 5 项目中使用 Social Share Plugin 共享本地文件?

How to share a local file using SocialShare Plugin in Ionic5 project?

我对 Javascript 和 Ionic 框架还很陌生。我想使用 SocialShare Plugin 共享一个路径为“/assets/input.json”的本地文件,我想将这个扩展名为 .json 的本地文件共享到一个通过应用程序的 .txt 文件。


试试这个 参考:https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing

var options = {
  message: 'share this', // not supported on some apps (Facebook, Instagram)
  subject: 'the subject', // fi. for email
  files: ['', ''], // an array of filenames either locally or remotely
  url: 'https://www.website.com/foo/#bar?a=b',
  chooserTitle: 'Pick an app', // Android only, you can override the default share sheet title
  appPackageName: 'com.apple.social.facebook', // Android only, you can provide id of the App you want to share with
  iPadCoordinates: '0,0,0,0' //IOS only iPadCoordinates for where the popover should be point.  Format with x,y,width,height

对于从 .json 到 .txt 的文件转换,您可以使用 js 读写文件 (https://www.websparrow.org/web/how-to-create-and-save-text-file-in-javascript) and ionic libraries https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/file

我建议使用 Filesharer 而不是社交共享,在社交共享中我真的怀疑您是否可以从您的文件夹之一共享本地文件。我也有类似的需求,Filesharer 是一个完美的插件,下面是你可以尝试的代码。

async shareLocalFile() {
   console.log('Sharing files...')
   this.http.get('/assets/input.json', { responseType: 'blob'})
   .subscribe( res => {
     const reader = new FileReader();
     reader.onloadend = () => {
       const result = reader.result as string;
       const base64Data = result.split(',')[1]
         filename:  'input.txt',