如何设置包含 svg 的 link 的样式并去掉多余的 4px?

How to style a link that contains an svg and get rid of the extra 4px?

我想将 box-shadow 焦点样式添加到包装 <svg><a>:


<a href="#">
  <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
    <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">


a.focus { /* not using :focus for demo purposes */
  box-shadow: 0 0 0px 4px #f14848;
svg {
  display: block; /* this is to get rid of the extra 4px at the bottom */

但是,使用此设置,box-shadow 看起来不正确:

display: inline-block 添加到 <a>,使 box-shadow 看起来正确。但是,然后出现不需要的 4px:

看起来在 <a> 上设置 display: table 反而解决了问题:


body {
  margin: 100px;

.container {
  background-color: #ccc;
  margin-top: 8px;
  margin-bottom: 40px;

a.focus {
  box-shadow: 0 0 0px 4px #f14848;

a.inline-block {
  display: inline-block;

a.table {
  display: table;

svg {
  display: block;
  <div>No focus</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
          <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>With focus</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="focus">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
            <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>No focus (inline-block)</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="inline-block">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
          <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>With focus (inline-block)</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="inline-block focus">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
            <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>No focus (table)</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="table">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
          <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>With focus (table)</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="table focus">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
            <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">

vertical-align: middle; 应该使 inline-block 示例看起来像 table 示例。

body {
  margin: 100px;

.container {
  background-color: #ccc;
  margin-top: 8px;
  margin-bottom: 40px;

a.focus {
  box-shadow: 0 0 0px 4px #f14848;

a.inline-block {
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: middle;

a.table {
  display: table;

svg {
  display: block;
  <div>No focus</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
          <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>With focus</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="focus">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
            <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>No focus (inline-block)</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="inline-block">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
          <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>With focus (inline-block)</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="inline-block focus">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
            <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>No focus (table)</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="table">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
          <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>With focus (table)</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="table focus">
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
            <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">

将框阴影应用于 a.focus svg,我相信这也是实现结果的最有效方法。

body {
  margin: 100px;

.container {
  background-color: #ccc;
  margin-top: 8px;
  margin-bottom: 40px;

a.focus {
box-shadow: 0 0 0px 4px #f14848;

a.inline-block {
  display: inline-block;

a.table {
  display: table;

svg {
  display: block;
  <div>No focus</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" >
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
          <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
  <div>With focus</div>
  <div class="container">
    <a href="#" class="focus" id='aflex'>
      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
            <path d="M15.846 4C9.304 4 4 9.148 4 15.5c0 5.08 3.394 9.388 8.102 10.91.593.105.809-.25.809-.555 0-.273-.01-.996-.016-1.955-3.295.694-3.99-1.542-3.99-1.542-.54-1.329-1.316-1.682-1.316-1.682-1.076-.713.081-.7.081-.7 1.19.083 1.815 1.186 1.815 1.186 1.057 1.757 2.772 1.25 3.448.956.107-.743.413-1.25.752-1.538-2.63-.29-5.397-1.276-5.397-5.683 0-1.255.462-2.281 1.22-3.085-.122-.29-.529-1.46.116-3.043 0 0 .995-.31 3.258 1.179a11.67 11.67 0 012.966-.388c1.006.005 2.02.132 2.966.388 2.261-1.488 3.254-1.18 3.254-1.18.647 1.584.24 2.753.118 1.218 1.83 1.218 3.085 0 4.418-2.77 5.39-5.41 5.674.426.355.805 1.057.805 2.13 0 1.537-.015 2.777-.015 3.154 0 .308.214.665.815.553 4.703-1.524 8.095-5.83 8.095-10.908C27.694 9.148 22.39 4 15.846 4" fill-rule="evenodd">
          <p>some text</p>

  <div>No focus (inline-block)</div>
  <div class="container">
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      <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="GitHub">
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