加密和解密 Azure redis 缓存中的值

Encrypting and decrypting values in Azure redis cache

我想在读取redis缓存中的值时边存储边加密边解密。什么可以是最好的安全方式来做到这一点。由于 GDPR 合规性,我无法直接存储用户别名。



但是我无法从 redis 中解密字节数组。



你可以download my sample code.

public ActionResult RedisCache()
    ViewBag.Message = "A simple example with Azure Cache for Redis on ASP.NET.";
    var lazyConnection = new Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer>(() =>
        string cacheConnection = _configuration.GetSection("CacheConnection").Value;
            return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(cacheConnection);

    // Connection refers to a property that returns a ConnectionMultiplexer
    // as shown in the previous example.
    IDatabase cache = lazyConnection.Value.GetDatabase();

    // Perform cache operations using the cache object...

    string original = "Here is some data to encrypt!";
    string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    byte[] myRijndaelKey;
    byte[] myRijndaelIV;

    using (RijndaelManaged myRijndael = new RijndaelManaged())
        myRijndaelKey = myRijndael.Key;
        myRijndaelIV = myRijndael.IV;
    byte[] encrypted_original = EncryptandDecrypt.EncryptStringToBytes(original, myRijndaelKey, myRijndaelIV);

    ViewBag.command6 = original;
    ViewBag.command6Result = encrypted_original;
    //set orginal data
    cache.StringSet(guid, encrypted_original);
    //set key and iv
    cache.StringSet(guid+"Key", myRijndaelKey);
    cache.StringSet(guid+"IV", myRijndaelIV);

    //get data from redis
    byte[] get_encrypted_originalByte = (byte[])cache.StringGet(guid);

    byte[] get_Key = (byte[])cache.StringGet(guid+"Key");

    byte[] get_IV = (byte[])cache.StringGet(guid+"IV");

    string decrypted_originalString = EncryptandDecrypt.DecryptStringFromBytes(get_encrypted_originalByte, get_Key, get_IV);

    ViewBag.command7 = "Get From Redis:"+ get_encrypted_originalByte;
    ViewBag.command7Result = "decrypted data:" + decrypted_originalString;


    return View();