Postgresql:嵌套查询以检查一组两列的最后一条记录是否早于 30 分钟
Posrgresql: Need query to check if last record for a group of two columns is older than 30 mins or not
select column1, column2
where time::time between "07:00:00: and "17:00:00: and time - now() > "-00:30:00"
group by column1, column2;
如果我 运行 每 30 分钟查询一次,它会为我获取所需的输出吗?
我想你想要一个 having
select col1, col1
from mytable
group by col1, col2
having max(time) >= now() - interval '30 minutes'
这 returns 所有 (col1, col2)
个最新 time
不到 30 分钟前的元组。
select column1, column2
where time::time between "07:00:00: and "17:00:00: and time - now() > "-00:30:00"
group by column1, column2;
如果我 运行 每 30 分钟查询一次,它会为我获取所需的输出吗?
我想你想要一个 having
select col1, col1
from mytable
group by col1, col2
having max(time) >= now() - interval '30 minutes'
这 returns 所有 (col1, col2)
个最新 time
不到 30 分钟前的元组。