如何在两个特定字符之间拆分字符串 (R)

How to split strings between two specific characters (R)

我希望将一些抓取的期刊出版数据整齐地分成几列(即作者、标题、期刊等)。我大部分时间都这样做了,但是我被困在下面的条目中,该条目在标题中间输入了 \n 行。

structure(list(value = "               What wrist should you wear your actigraphy device on? Analysis of dominant vs.\n            non-dominant wrist actigraphy for measuring sleep in healthy adults. \n                     Sleep Science. \n                        10:132-135.\n             2017\n\n                 Full text if available"), row.names = c(NA, 
-1L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

为了解决这个问题,我不想简单地在 \n 行拆分,而是想在 \n 行和大写字母之间的位置拆分字符串(这样标题就不会拆分为两个单独的列)。

我在 \n 行分割的原始代码简单地使用:

str_split_fixed(x,"\n", 2)[ ,2]

我尝试了多种使用正则表达式的组合 lookahead/behind,但无法弄清楚如何拆分两个字符并将这些字符包含在两边。


strsplit(df$value, '\n\s+(?=[A-Z])', perl = TRUE)

#[1] "               What wrist should you wear your actigraphy device on? Analysis of dominant vs.\n            non-dominant wrist actigraphy for measuring sleep in healthy adults. "
#[2] "Sleep Science. \n                        10:132-135.\n             2017"                                                                                                         
#[3] "Full text if available"                                                          
