
Organization of fuzzy matches

我已经完成了 20,000 多个电影片名列表中的每个元素与其他元素的模糊匹配,return每对都有一个值:

from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

titles = ['Scary Movie', 'Happy Movie', 'Sappy Movie', 'Crappy Movie']

print fuzz.ratio(titles[2],titles[3])
>>> 91 #/100 higher value denotes closer match 

for x in titles:
    for y in titles:
        fuzzed = fuzz.ratio(x,y)

    print "value for %r and %r is %r" % (x, y, fuzzed)


从嵌套循环中捕获 return 值,然后将它们与 x 和 y 打包成元组或列表显然是多余和混乱的。我尝试使用 类 实现,但我遗漏了一些东西。

也许您可以将 fuzzed 比率存储在以 (x,y) 元组为键的字典中,这样以后搜索每对的 ratio 会更容易。为此,您可以在 for 循环之外创建一个空字典,然后在 for 循环中将 fuzz.ratio(x , y) 分配给该字典的键 (x, y)


fuzzDict = {}
for x in titles:
    for y in titles:
        fuzzDict[(x,y)] = fuzz.ratio(x,y)

稍后当您想要检索比率时,您可以简单地调用 fuzzDict[(x , y)] 来获取它。

您还可以在 Python 2.7+ -

{(x, y) : fuzz.ratio(x,y) for x in titles for y in titles}

使用列表理解和 itertools.product:

from itertools import product
[(x, y, fuzz.ratio(x, y)) for (x, y) in product(titles, repeat=2)]

使用 toolz

from toolz.curried import pipe, filter, map
    product(titles, repeat=2),
    # No reason to check duplicates
    filter(lambda (x, y): x > y),
    map(lambda (x, y): (x, y, fuzz.ratio(x, y))))

您只需要迭代 combinations of the titles since the ratio doesn't depend on the order. This is significantly faster than iterating over a product 即可。

对于包含 20,000 个标题的列表,如果您使用 product,您将迭代 400 000 000 对。使用 combinations,您仅迭代 199 990 000.

from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

import collections
import itertools

titles = ['Scary Movie', 'Happy Movie', 'Sappy Movie', 'Crappy Movie']

然后您可以将比率存储在字典中,您可以在字典中查找比率以获得 set 个具有该比率的对。

fuzzes_by_ratio = collections.defaultdict(set)

或者在字典中查找 frozenset 对并得到它们的比率。

fuzzes_per_pair = {}


for m1, m2 in itertools.combinations(titles, 2):
    pair = frozenset({m1, m2})
    ratio = fuzz.ratio(m1, m2)

    fuzzes_per_pair[pair] = ratio


# I don't have fuzzywuzzy installed so this is just made up:
>>> fuzzes_by_ratio[91]
{frozenset({"Scary Movie", "Happy Movie"}), frozenset({"Sappy Movie", "Happy Movie"})}

>>> fuzz_per_pair[frozenset({"Scary Movie", "Sappy Movie"})]
