PHP JAVA 的 StandardStringDigester 的实现
PHP implementation of JAVA's StandardStringDigester
我正在尝试在 PHP 中实现 Java 的 StandardStringDigester 摘要函数以使用 SHA-1 算法摘要字符串。我没有加密方面的经验,所以我在不理解的情况下尝试了一些东西。工作 Java 示例如下:
import org.jasypt.digest.StandardStringDigester;
public class Main
public static void main (String[]args)
String x = "XUXoV2VYc7zYJ8UN";
int n = 854;
StandardStringDigester clientsd = new StandardStringDigester ();
clientsd.setIterations (n - 1);
clientsd.setAlgorithm ("SHA-1");
clientsd.setSaltSizeBytes (0); //no salt
String clientDigest = clientsd.digest (x);
String URLclientDigest = "a";
try {
URLclientDigest = URLEncoder.encode (clientDigest, "UTF-8");
} catch(UnsupportedEncodingException ex){
System.out.println("Encoding not supported");
System.out.println (URLclientDigest);
在 PHP 我尝试了一些东西:
$n = 854;
$x = 'XUXoV2VYc7zYJ8UN';
return hash_pbkdf2('sha1', $x, null, $n);
我也用 $n -1
我不太确定我在这里做什么。也许有一个 PHP 图书馆有人可以指点我或者任何方向将不胜感激。
(which is part of the Jasypt库的文档),哈希生成如下:
The steps taken for creating digests are:
- The String message is converted to a byte array
- A salt of the specified size is generated (see SaltGenerator).
- The salt bytes are added to the message.
- The hash function is applied to the salt and message altogether, and then to the results of the function itself, as many times as
specified (iterations).
- If specified by the salt generator (see SaltGenerator.includePlainSaltInEncryptionResults()), the undigested
salt and the final result of the hash function are concatenated and
returned as a result.
- The result of the concatenation is encoded in BASE64 or HEXADECIMAL and returned as an ASCII String.
由于您的情况没有使用盐,可能的 PHP 实现是:
$n = 854;
$x = 'XUXoV2VYc7zYJ8UN';
$hash = $x;
for ($counter = 0; $counter < $n - 1; $counter++){
$hash = hash('sha1', $hash, true);
print(base64_encode($hash)); // QGFgek+pfZ6nMk8Jn3stOe5KeEY=
结果 QGFgek+pfZ6nMk8Jn3stOe5KeEY=
类似于 Java 代码(在 URL 编码之前)。
注意:如果在 Java 代码中使用盐(例如 ByteArrayFixedSaltGenerator
),则 PHP 代码中的盐必须与循环前的消息连接: $hash = $salt . $x;
(而不是 $hash = $x;
我正在尝试在 PHP 中实现 Java 的 StandardStringDigester 摘要函数以使用 SHA-1 算法摘要字符串。我没有加密方面的经验,所以我在不理解的情况下尝试了一些东西。工作 Java 示例如下:
import org.jasypt.digest.StandardStringDigester;
public class Main
public static void main (String[]args)
String x = "XUXoV2VYc7zYJ8UN";
int n = 854;
StandardStringDigester clientsd = new StandardStringDigester ();
clientsd.setIterations (n - 1);
clientsd.setAlgorithm ("SHA-1");
clientsd.setSaltSizeBytes (0); //no salt
String clientDigest = clientsd.digest (x);
String URLclientDigest = "a";
try {
URLclientDigest = URLEncoder.encode (clientDigest, "UTF-8");
} catch(UnsupportedEncodingException ex){
System.out.println("Encoding not supported");
System.out.println (URLclientDigest);
在 PHP 我尝试了一些东西:
$n = 854;
$x = 'XUXoV2VYc7zYJ8UN';
return hash_pbkdf2('sha1', $x, null, $n);
我也用 $n -1
我不太确定我在这里做什么。也许有一个 PHP 图书馆有人可以指点我或者任何方向将不胜感激。
(which is part of the Jasypt库的文档),哈希生成如下:
The steps taken for creating digests are:
- The String message is converted to a byte array
- A salt of the specified size is generated (see SaltGenerator).
- The salt bytes are added to the message.
- The hash function is applied to the salt and message altogether, and then to the results of the function itself, as many times as specified (iterations).
- If specified by the salt generator (see SaltGenerator.includePlainSaltInEncryptionResults()), the undigested salt and the final result of the hash function are concatenated and returned as a result.
- The result of the concatenation is encoded in BASE64 or HEXADECIMAL and returned as an ASCII String.
由于您的情况没有使用盐,可能的 PHP 实现是:
$n = 854;
$x = 'XUXoV2VYc7zYJ8UN';
$hash = $x;
for ($counter = 0; $counter < $n - 1; $counter++){
$hash = hash('sha1', $hash, true);
print(base64_encode($hash)); // QGFgek+pfZ6nMk8Jn3stOe5KeEY=
结果 QGFgek+pfZ6nMk8Jn3stOe5KeEY=
类似于 Java 代码(在 URL 编码之前)。
注意:如果在 Java 代码中使用盐(例如 ByteArrayFixedSaltGenerator
),则 PHP 代码中的盐必须与循环前的消息连接: $hash = $salt . $x;
(而不是 $hash = $x;