作为“dotnet publish”命令的结果创建的 "MCD" 配置是什么?

What is the "MCD" configuration created as a result of the `dotnet publish` command?

当我应用 dotnet publish 命令时,我看到在 bin 文件夹中创建了三个文件夹:DebugReleaseMCD

MCD 配置到底是什么,这个配置有什么用?

这可能是环境变量 Platform=MCD 存在的结果,在 HP 配置的机器上通常如此。

有关详细信息,请参阅 this article and this github discussion

The issue you are seeing might be related to the way HP machines are setup -- they have an environment variable called Platform, set to MCD which is why you are seeing this...

如果它导致了问题,据我所知删除这个变量没有错。来自 Chapman Worldblog post 表示同意。如果它确实破坏了某些东西,很容易将变量放回去。所以风险小。
