R summarytools dfSummary 未在 RMarkdown 选项卡中正确显示

R summarytools dfSummary not displaying correctly in RMarkdown tabs

我正在尝试将 2 个 dfSummary 输出放入 RMarkdown 的选项卡式部分。我想我必须使用 results = 'asis' 才能生成图表,但是当我使用该选项时,选项卡功能会中断。摘要不是出现在选项卡中,而是显示在文档中。

下面的示例是关于 ToothGrowth 数据集的,显示了我希望解决的问题。

title: "test"
output: html_document

```{r setup, include = FALSE}

st_options(plain.ascii = FALSE               # This is very handy in all Rmd documents
         , style = "rmarkdown"               # This too
         , footnote = NA                     # Avoids footnotes which would clutter the results
         , subtitle.emphasis = FALSE         # This is a setting to experiment with - according to the theme used, it might improve the headings layout
knitr::opts_chunk$set(results = 'asis')

## R Markdown

### {.tabset .tabset-pills}  

#### Numeric Variables  

This section is for numeric variables.  

summarytools::dfSummary(ToothGrowth[c('len', 'dose')], style = "grid", graph.magnif = 0.75, valid.col = FALSE, tmp.img.dir = "/tmp")

#### Factor Variables  

This section is for factor variables.  

summarytools::dfSummary(ToothGrowth[c('supp')], style = "grid", graph.magnif = 0.75, valid.col = FALSE, tmp.img.dir = "/tmp")



  1. 设置headings=FALSE。这将防止 ## 与选项卡式内容的内部工作方式发生冲突。
  2. 使用 # {.tabset .tabset-pills},然后使用 ## Numeric & ## Factor。这可能是第一个解决方案的可行替代方案,因为它使用与 summarytools 不同的标题级别。