
Array change does not rerender template


setup(prop) {
  const uniqueValue = ref(1);
  const fullStar = ref(['fillerValue', false, false, false, false, false]);

  const displayRating = (rating: number) => {
    uniqueValue.value += 1;
    for (let index = 1; index <= rating; index++) {
      fullStar.value[index] = true;

  return {

  <div class='ratingContainer'
    <div v-for='n in 5' :key='n'>
      <StarIcon v-if='fullStar[n]' />
      <div style="display: none">{{ uniqueValue }}</div>

我有一个名为 fullStar 的数组,我想根据传递给 displayRating 函数的评分在模板中显示星数。

但是只有当我在模板中使用 uniqueValue 值时模板才会重新呈现,即使 fullStar 数组值也发生了变化。

Looks like Vue is having some trouble with reactivity and array values。正如某人在该期中所说:

Just make in reactive an object whith an array in it. This works very well. Similiar to the data object in vue 2 before:

setup() {  
const fullStar = reactive({
  list: [
    { value: false },
    { value: false },
    { value: false },
    { value: false },
    { value: false },
    { value: false },

displayRating = (rating: number) => {
  for (let index = 1; index <= rating; index++) {
     // when this function is called it will set a number of objects in the list array to true and it will update the template.
     fullStar.list[index].value = true

return { fullStar };

  <div class='ratingContainer'
    <div v-for='n in 5' :key='n'>
        v-if='fullStar.list[n].value' />