单击时更改 Chartjs 标签颜色而不会丢失悬停

Change Chartjs label color on click without losing hover

我将 vue-chart-js 与 labels plugin 一起用于圆环图。



   return {
    options: {
      events: ['click'],
      plugins: {
        labels: {
          render: 'label',
          fontColor: ['black', 'black', 'black'],
      onClick: (evt, item) => {
        // change font color for the section to red, changes the fontColor item in array above and trigger reactivity for the options prop in the donut chart component
        this.$set(this.doughnutChart.options.plugins.labels.fontColor, 0, 'red');
    chartData: {
      labels: ['A', 'B', 'C'],
      datasets: [
          hoverBackgroundColor: 'red',
          data: this.chartData,

我使用 Vue-Chartjs 文档推荐的 destroy() 和重新渲染方法来更新图表组件

export default {
  extends: Doughnut,
  mixins: [mixins.reactiveProp],
  props: {
    chartData: {
      type: Object,
      default: null,
    options: {
      type: Object,
      default: null,
  watch: {
    options: {
      handler() {
        this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options);
      deep: true,
  mounted() {
    this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options);

如果我单击图表部分,标签会正确变为红色。但是图表重新呈现并丢失了单击切换的红色部分背景。如果我对图表使用 update() 方法,而不是销毁或重新渲染,则什么也不会发生。


您可以使用update方法。参见 Updating Options。实际上 vue-chartjs 也将其用于 chartData.

On data mutation, it will call update() if the data inside the datasets has changed, or renderChart() if new datasets were added. [source]


import { Doughnut, mixins } from "vue-chartjs";
import "chartjs-plugin-labels";

export default {
  extends: Doughnut,
  mixins: [mixins.reactiveProp],
  props: ["options"],
  watch: {
    options: {
      handler() {
        let chart = this.$data._chart;
        chart.options = this.options;
      deep: true
  mounted() {
    this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options);
