
Fluentd+Kubernetes: Segregate logs based on label

我想将 concat 过滤器应用于部署在 Kubernetes 上的 java 应用程序的日志,以将多行日志(不仅是异常)连接成一个日志事件..



        logtype: springboot

Fluentd 配置:

# rewrite tag of events with kubernetes label kubernetes.labels.logtype=springboot
# it is important to change the tag. If the tag is not modified the event will be
# reemitted with the same tag and matched again by the rewrite tag filter -> infinite loop
<match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**>
  @type rewrite_tag_filter
  @log_level debug
    key $.kubernetes.labels.logtype
    pattern /^springboot$/
    tag springboot.${tag}
  # the rewrite tag filter is an event sink. Events that are not reemitted by the plugin
  # are gone. So we need a catch-all rule to reemitt any event that is not caught
  # by the spring boot rule.
    key log
    pattern /^.*$/
    # and the tag must be changed so that the event will skip the rewrite filter after reemitting
    tag unmatched.${tag}

# Handle multiline logs for springboot logs.
<filter springboot.**>
  @type concat
  key log
  separator ""
  multiline_start_regexp /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}\  (ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE)/
  1. <match **/> - 这要么有错字,要么是无效的 fluentd 配置
  2. 我需要查看完整的配置才能确定,但​​是 <match **> 也会匹配重写的标签,然后才会到达 <match springboot.**>。为避免这种情况,请将 match spring 引导放在 ** 匹配之前,或者将 ** 匹配缩小为来自 kube 的内容,例如<match kube.**>。 Re-tagged 事件被注入到管道的开始,并按照它们在配置中出现的顺序遍历它的各个部分。