使用 Microsoft Graph 上传大型附件出现 invalid_token 错误

Uploading a large attachment using Microsoft Graph got invalid_token error

我正在尝试使用 Microsoft Graph Java SDK 2.10 将大型(> 4mb)附件上传到 Office 365 中的现有邮件。我遵循这些说明:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/outlook-large-attachments?tabs=java

我已经成功创建了上传会话,并获得了一个类似于文档中示例的 uploadUrl 值。然后我使用 ChunkedUploadProvider 开始我对这个 url 的 PUT。

        // Create an upload session
        UploadSession uploadSession = client.me()

        ChunkedUploadProvider<AttachmentItem> chunkedUploadProvider =
                new ChunkedUploadProvider<AttachmentItem>
                        (uploadSession, client, fileStream, attachmentItem.size, AttachmentItem.class);

        // Config parameter is an array of integers
        // customConfig[0] indicates the max slice size
        // Max slice size must be a multiple of 320 KiB
        int[] customConfig = { 12 * 320 * 1024 }; // still < 4MB as API recommended

        // Do the upload
        try {
            chunkedUploadProvider.upload(callback, customConfig);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Upload attachment file name {} for message id {}", fileAttachment.name, messageId, e);

我的问题是我收到 http 401(未授权)响应:

  "error": {
    "code": "InvalidMsaTicket",
    "message": "ErrorCode: \u0027PP_E_RPS_CERT_NOT_FOUND\u0027. Message: \u0027 Internal error: spRPSTicket-\u003eProcessToken failed. Failed to call CRPSDataCryptImpl::UnpackData: Internal error: Failed to decrypt data. :Failed to get session key. RecipientId\u003d293577. spCache-\u003eGetCacheItem returns error.:Cert Name: (null). SKI: 3bd72187c709b1c40b994f8b496a5b9ebd2f9b0c...\u0027",
    "innerError": {
      "requestId": "7276a164-9c13-41cc-b46a-4a86303017a6",
      "date": "2020-09-17T04:55:15"



而 uploadUrl 是:


这是不同的 API(图表与 Outlook)。

我已经添加了邮件 read.write 范围,这样我就可以创建 < 4mb 的附件。我试图在获取访问令牌时将“https://outlook.office.com/Mail.ReadWrite”放入范围,但遇到了相同的 invalid_token 问题。我应该怎么做才能解决这个问题?


我的错。请求不应包含授权 header:

Do not specify an Authorization request header. The PUT query uses a pre-authenticated URL from the uploadUrl property, that allows access to the https://outlook.office.com domain.


只需对那个 URL 使用普通的 cURL PUT 请求,它就会工作...在 PHP 中它会是这样的(使用 php-curl-class/php-curl-classmicrosoft/microsoft-graph 作曲家库):

function uploadLargeFileData(Graph $graph, string $messageId, string $fileName, string $fileContentType, string $fileData) : bool {

  $fileSize = strlen($fileData);
  // create upload session
  $attachmentItem = (new AttachmentItem())

  /** @var UploadSession $uploadSession */
  try {
    $uploadSession = $graph->createRequest('POST', "/me/messages/{$messageId}/attachments/createUploadSession")
      ->addHeaders(['Content-Type' => 'application/json'])
      ->attachBody(['AttachmentItem' => $attachmentItem])
  catch (GraphException $e) {
    return false;

  $fileData = str_split($fileData, self::LargeFileChunkSize);
  $fileDataCount = count($fileData);

  foreach ($fileData as $chunkIndex => $chunkData) {
    $chunkSize = strlen($chunkData);
    $rangeStart = $chunkIndex * self::LargeFileChunkSize;
    $rangeEnd = $rangeStart + $chunkSize - 1;

    try {
      // we need to use this plain access, because calling the API via the Graph provider leads to strange error of invalid audience
      $curl = new Curl();
          'Content-Length' => $chunkSize,
          'Content-Range' => "bytes {$rangeStart}-{$rangeEnd}/{$fileSize}",
          'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream',

      $curl->put($uploadSession->getUploadUrl(), $chunkData);

      if ($chunkIndex < $fileDataCount - 1 && $curl->httpStatusCode != 200) { // partial are responding with 200
        return false;
      elseif ($chunkIndex == $fileDataCount - 1 && $curl->httpStatusCode != 201) { // last response should have code 201
        return false;
    catch (\Exception $e) {
      return false;

  return true;