使用 pheatmap 按行注释对数据进行排序?

Using pheatmap to sort data by row annotations?


我是创建热图的新手,我无法使用行注释。我也不确定如何在注释正常工作后仅在每个组内进行聚类。我在想包“pheatmap.type”会起作用,但不幸的是,它不适用于 R 版本 4.0.2。

我无法 post 确切的数据(机密),但我附上了示例文件,我将描述我到目前为止所做的事情和 post 代码。我有一个数据框,第一列作为标签,包括参与者 ID 和组(使用 row.names=1 完成),然后是 12 列数字数据(无 NA)。然后我按行名对数据进行排序,并使用缩放函数缩放数据并生成矩阵。然后,我尝试通过以多种不同方式将组信息添加到数据框来创建注释行。到目前为止我尝试过的如下:

#dataframe with Group and ID as row names and 12 numerical columns  

df_1_HM <- data.frame(df_1$Group_ID, df_1$Test1, df_1$Test2, df_1$Test3, df_1$Test4, df_1$Test5, df_1$Test6, df_1$Test7, df_1$Test8, df_1$Test9, df_1$Test10, df_1$Test11, df_1$Test12, row.names=1)

#ordering the dataframe so that the groups are in order 
df_1_HM_ordered <- df_1_HM[ order(row.names(df_1_HM)), ]

#Z-scoring (scaling) data 
df_HM_matrix_1 <- scale(df_1_HM)

#creating a color palette 
my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "grey", "black"))(n = 100)

#Plotting heatmap 

#trying to plot the heatmap with annotation_row data 
#The method below does not work for me. The plot will run with no errors but does not actually plot - it ends up becoming a list of 4 with no data.


annotation_row = data.frame(
  df_Group = factor(rep(c("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3"), c(11, 10, 7)))

rownames(annotation_row) = paste("df_Group", 1:28, sep = "")

rownames(annotation_row) = rownames(df_HM_matrix_1) # name matching

#I also tried to use a dataframe with just the groups as column 1 to get row annotation 

df_Group <- data.frame(df_1$Group, df_1$ID)

#Also tried using the select function to create a dataframe for the row annotation 
df_Group_1 <- select(df_1, Group) 

#When I use either of the data frame methods above I get the following error: Error in cut.default(a, breaks = 100) : 'x' must be numeric



structure(list(Group_ID = structure(1:28, .Label = c("Group1_10", 
"Group1_13", "Group1_15", "Group1_2", "Group1_20", "Group1_26", 
"Group1_27", "Group1_3", "Group1_6", "Group1_8", "Group2_1", 
"Group2_12", "Group2_14", "Group2_16", "Group2_21", "Group2_23", 
"Group2_25", "Group2_28", "Group2_7", "Group2_9", "Group3_11", 
"Group3_17", "Group3_18", "Group3_19", "Group3_24", "Group3_4", 
"Group3_5", "Group3_6"), class = "factor"), Test1 = c(1.44, 4.36, 
0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 
0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 
1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 2.64), Test2 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 
0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 
1.47, 2.64, 3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 
2.64), Test3 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 
0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 3.92, 
2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 2.64), Test4 = c(1.44, 
4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 
2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 
1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 0.31), Test5 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 
1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 
0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 
2.49, 0.31), Test6 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 
0.57, 0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 
3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 0.31), 
    Test7 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 
    0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 
    3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 1.49
    ), Test8 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 
    0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 
    3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 1.49
    ), Test9 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 
    0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 
    3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 1.49
    ), Test10 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 
    0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 
    3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 3.92
    ), Test11 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 
    0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 
    3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 3.92
    ), Test12 = c(1.44, 4.36, 0.75, 0.59, 1.67, 0.41, 2.42, 0.57, 
    0.89, 0.45, 0.31, 1.56, 2.13, 0.86, 0.12, 0.26, 1.47, 2.64, 
    3.92, 2.19, 0.43, 0.98, 1.93, 1.49, 1.43, 2.58, 2.49, 3.92
    )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -28L))

要使注释与 pheatmap 一起使用,因子必须 有序 。为此,将 ordered = TRUE 添加到 factor():

annotation_row = data.frame(df_Group = factor(rep(c("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3"), c(11, 10, 7)), ordered = TRUE))

您也可以使用 as.ordered() 来完成同样的事情。

要按注释组对热图行进行排序,只需将参数 cluster_rows = F 添加到 pheatmap():

         cluster_rows = F)
