azure service fabric 有状态服务可靠收集现在是否支持将数据卸载到磁盘?

Does azure service fabric stateful service reliable collection now supports offloading data to disk?

我们的系统需要使用可靠的集合作为缓存,但又不想有太大的内存压力。可靠采集现在支持卸载数据到本地磁盘了吗?在官方文档中看不到 find 语句。



Persisted or Volatile: Data can be persisted to disk for durability against large-scale outages (for example, a datacenter power outage). Some Reliable Collections also support a volatile mode (with Caveats) where all data is kept in-memory, such as a replicated in-memory cache.

此外,在 this page 的底部,您可以找到有关哪些类型的可靠集合可以持久化 and/or 的更多详细信息。