通过脚本打开 2 个用 zsh 和 iterm2 分割的屏幕

Open 2 screens split with zsh & iterm2 via script

我想要一个脚本,它可以通过脚本打开 1 个项目选项卡,其中包含 2 个分屏。



使用 osascript to 'send' commands to Iterm this simple 脚本应该打开一个新选项卡,拆分它并调用一些命令;


    tell application "iTerm"
        select first window

        # Create new tab
        tell current window
            create tab with default profile
        end tell

        # Split pane
        tell current session of current window
            split vertically with default profile
        end tell

        # Run command in Pane-1
        tell first session of current tab of current window
            write text "cd /tmp"
            write text "pwd"
        end tell

        # Run command in Pane-2
        tell second session of current tab of current window
            write text "echo Second tab!;"
        end tell
    end tell

Screen recording of script (.gif)