在 linq 表达式中使用 ToString() 转换 DateTime 值

using ToString() in linq expression to convert DateTime value

我正在尝试将 DateTime 值转换为字符串,但出现此运行时错误:

Additional information: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.


using (var db = new DbContext())
    var results = (from u in db.AspNetUserses
        join upi in db.UserPersonalInfoes on u.Id equals upi.UserId into upis
        from upi in upis.DefaultIfEmpty()
        join up in db.UserPreferenceses on u.Id equals up.UserId into ups
        from up in ups.DefaultIfEmpty()
                   join us in db.UserStatses on u.Id equals us.UserId into uss
                   from us in uss.DefaultIfEmpty()
        select new
            Username = u.UserName,
            Telephone = (upi == null ? String.Empty : upi.Telephone),
            ID = u.Id,
            LastLogin = (us == null ? String.Empty : us.LastLoginDate) 

    gvUsers.DataSource = results;




using (var db = new DbContext())
    var results = (from u in db.AspNetUserses
        join upi in db.UserPersonalInfoes on u.Id equals upi.UserId into upis
        from upi in upis.DefaultIfEmpty()
        join up in db.UserPreferenceses on u.Id equals up.UserId into ups
        from up in ups.DefaultIfEmpty()
               join us in db.UserStatses on u.Id equals us.UserId into uss
               from us in uss.DefaultIfEmpty()
        select new
            Username = u.UserName,
            Telephone = (upi == null ? String.Empty : upi.Telephone),
            ID = u.Id,
            LastLogin = (us == null ? DateTime.MinValue : us.LastLoginDate) 

       var list = (from r in results
                   select new {
                     Username = r.UserName,
                     Telephone = r.Telephone,
                     ID = r.ID
                     LastLogin = r.LastLogin == DateTime.MinValue ? "" : r.LastLogin.ToString()

      gvUsers.DataSource = list;