如何在 C# 9 中 copy/clone 记录?

How to copy/clone records in C# 9?

C# 9 records feature specification包括以下内容:

A record type contains two copying members:

A constructor taking a single argument of the record type. It is referred to as a "copy constructor". A synthesized public parameterless instance "clone" method with a compiler-reserved name


public record R(int A);
// ...
var r2 = new R(r); // ERROR: inaccessible due to protection level
var r3 = r.Clone(); // ERROR: R does not contain a definition for Clone


var r4 = r with { };


But what about cloning?

var r4 = r with { };

在 r 上执行浅克隆。

The clone method is public according to the specification above. But what is its name?

C# 编译器有一个相当常见的技巧,它会为生成的成员命名,这些名称在 C# 中是非法的,但在 IL 中是合法的,因此除了编译器之外不能调用它们,即使它们是 public。在这种情况下,Clone 方法的名称是 <Clone>$.

If so, what is the correct way to deep copy records?


It seems from the specification that one is able to create one's own clone method. Is this so, and what would be an example of how it should work?

遗憾的是,这没有在 C# 9 中实现,但很有可能在 C# 10 中实现。