如何将 prism-media(@discordjs/opus) opus 流转换为适合 picovoice/porcupine 的格式?

How to convert from prism-media(@discordjs/opus) opus stream to format suitable for picovoice/porcupine?

我使用 discord.js and am attempting to implement basic voice capabilities using porcupine 创建了一个 discord 机器人。

我有每个用户的音频流,我正尝试在 porcupine 中对每个数据块使用 process(frame) 方法。
为了获得单通道数据和 16k 采样率,我使用 prism-media opus 解码器手动解码流,然后尝试传入块:

execute(connection, user, args) {
        userHandlers[user] = new Porcupine([GRASSHOPPER, BUMBLEBEE], [0.5, 0.65]);
        if (!receiver) {
            receiver = connection.receiver;

        userStreams[user] = receiver.createStream(user, {mode: 'opus', end: 'manual'});
        const decoder = new prism.opus.Decoder({frameSize: 640, channels: 1, rate: 16000});
        listeningToUsers[user] = true;

        try {
            console.log("Start utterance");
            decoder.on('data', (chunk) => {//Need to make stream single channel, frame size 512
                let keywordIndex = userHandlers[user].process(chunk);

                if (keywordIndex != -1) {
                    meme.execute(connection, null, args);
        } catch (error) {

但是,我的问题是块的大小为 640,而该方法需要为 512 才能工作。由于答案 here.

中解释的原因,更改传递给解码器的 frameSize 不起作用


我最终通过使用此 demo file 中包含的一些代码来完成这项工作。

我们包含一个 chunkArray 函数:

function chunkArray(array, size) {
    return Array.from({ length: Math.ceil(array.length / size) }, (v, index) =>
        array.slice(index * size, index * size + size)

并将之前 post 编辑的代码更改为如下所示:

execute(connection, user, args) {
        userHandlers[user] = new Porcupine([GRASSHOPPER, BLUEBERRY], [0.7, 0.85]);
        const frameLength = userHandlers[user].frameLength;
        if (!receiver) {
            receiver = connection.receiver;
        userStreams[user] = receiver.createStream(user, {mode: 'opus', end: 'manual'});
        userDecoders[user] = new prism.opus.Decoder({frameSize: 640, channels: 1, rate: 16000});
        listeningToUsers[user] = true;
        userFrameAccumulators[user] = [];
        try {
            userDecoders[user].on('data', (data) => {
                // Two bytes per Int16 from the data buffer
                let newFrames16 = new Array(data.length / 2);
                for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2) {
                    newFrames16[i / 2] = data.readInt16LE(i);
                // Split the incoming PCM integer data into arrays of size Porcupine.frameLength. If there's insufficient frames, or a remainder,
                // store it in 'frameAccumulator' for the next iteration, so that we don't miss any audio data
                userFrameAccumulators[user] = userFrameAccumulators[user].concat(newFrames16);
                let frames = chunkArray(userFrameAccumulators[user], frameLength);

                if (frames[frames.length - 1].length !== frameLength) {
                    // store remainder from divisions of frameLength
                    userFrameAccumulators[user] = frames.pop();
                } else {
                    userFrameAccumulators[user] = [];
                for (let frame of frames) {
                    let index = userHandlers[user].process(frame);
                    if (index !== -1) {
                        if (index == 0) {//GRASSHOPPER
                            play.execute(connection, null, args);
                        } else if (index == 1) {//BLUEBERRY
        } catch (error) {


我想这里效率低下,需要改进,但它在 discord 服务器中运行良好,我想 post 一个答案,以防有人试图将 discord.js 与未来的豪猪。