Azure DevOps - Branch 的落后和领先计数将在成功 PR 后重置

Azure DevOps - Branch's behind and ahead count will get reset after successful PR

在成功拉取请求比较分支后,每个分支列出的前后数字将被重置或保持不变? Azure DevOps ahead and behind

The ahead and behind numbers listed for each branch will get reset or remain same after successful pull request to compare branch?

根据文档Manage branches

The ahead and behind numbers listed for each branch are in comparison with the branch currently labeled Compare on the Branches page.


因此,当我们将提交合并到比较分支时,每个分支的 后面列出的 将在成功拉取请求到比较分支后重置。但只有 merged 分支的 ahead 数字将重置为零,其他分支将保持不变。


通过 PR 将分支 DevTest1 合并到 Dev 后:

每个分支的后面列出的将被重置,只有合并[=39]的前面数字=] 分支将被重置为零,其他分支将保持不变。