json 编码管道出现错误 "There was a failure executing the send pipeline"

Getting error "There was a failure executing the send pipeline" for json-encoded pipeline


There was a failure executing the send pipeline: "NameOfMyApp.XmlToJSONSendPipeline, NameOfMyApp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0a310ca75ebafd97" Source: "Unknown " Send Port: "SendPortForNAVtoD365" URI: "D:****%MessageID%.json" Reason: The pipeline component Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.JsonEncoder,Microsoft.BizTalk.Pipeline.Components, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 can not be found. If the component name is fully qualified, this error may occur because the pipeline component can not be found in the assembly.


JSon 编码器和解码器管道组件仅随 BizTalk 2013 R2 一起发布。因此,如果您想在 BizTalk 2013 中使用此功能,则必须根据此线程 JSON Support for BizTalk 2013[=11= 创建自己的自定义管道组件以将 XML 转换为 JSon(反之亦然) ]