将复杂的 SVG 文件与 paper.js 合并

Unite complex SVG files with paper.js

我正在尝试将相对复杂的 SVG 结合起来,例如 this。我想将制作“HELLO”字母的路径与后面的大“A”字母结合起来。在 Inkscape 上,我可以通过 selecting 所有路径并转到 Path->Union 来做到这一点,所以路径是从这个转换而来的:


注意中间的“HELLO”字母的路径现在是如何与它们后面的大“A”结合在一起的。我想通过使用 paper.js 来实现相同的目的,因为这是我能找到的最好的解决方案,可以在不对 SVG 文件进行布尔操作的情况下对它们进行布尔运算,而且因为我无法在没有 GUI 的情况下使用 Inkscape CLI 执行此操作。

我在 paper.js 中创建 this sketch 以加载 SVG 文件并在所有 CompoundPathsPaths 之间建立联合,希望能达到相同的效果,但是,显然不是那么简单,草图的结果路径是:

<path xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" d="M-177.63334,-177.64819h755.85598v755.85598h-755.85598z" id="path32" fill="#000000" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray="" stroke-dashoffset="0" font-family="none" font-weight="none" font-size="none" text-anchor="none" style="mix-blend-mode: normal"/>

这几乎是一条空路!有蚂蚁知道实现这一目标的方法吗?我正在考虑像 Inkscape 那样检测形状的任何方法,我的意思是,在 Inkscape 上你可以单独 select 并将每个字母作为一个单一的形状来操作,所以如果我能识别每个形状(或闭合路径?)我可以进行并集运算


终于解决了!我必须确保不使用 unite 用作 clipMask 的路径,并确保使用 closePath() 方法关闭所有路径。最终代码如下所示:

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
var scope = paper.setup(new paper.Size(200, 200))

var svg = `{put your svg string here}`;

paper.project.importSVG(svg, function(pathItem) {
    // Get Path and CompoundPath which are children from this item
    let paths = pathItem.getItems({
        className: 'Path'
    let compoundPaths = pathItem.getItems({
        className: 'CompoundPath'

    // Filter paths that are inside CompoundPaths
    paths = paths
        .filter((p) => !compoundPaths.some((cp) => cp.children.includes(p)))
        // Filter paths that are used as clipping paths
        .filter((p) => !p.clipMask);
    compoundPaths = compoundPaths.filter((c) => !c.clipMask);

    // Close all paths to ensure a correct union
    for (const path of compoundPaths.filter((c) => !c.closed)) {
    for (const path of paths.filter((c) => !c.closed)) {

    // If not paths or compound paths are available, return the same input SVG
    if (!paths.length && !compoundPaths.length) {
    else {
        // Merge all the paths to build a single path
        let unitedItem = undefined;
        let compoundPathsStartIndex = 0;
        if (paths.length) {
            unitedItem = paths[0];
            for (let n = 1; n < paths.length; ++n) {
                const path = paths[n];
                unitedItem = unitedItem.unite(path);
        } else {
            unitedItem = compoundPaths[0];
            compoundPathsStartIndex = 1;

        for (let n = compoundPathsStartIndex; n < compoundPaths.length; ++n) {
            const path = compoundPaths[n];
            unitedItem = unitedItem.unite(path);

        // Set fill color otherwise paths exported in the server (which uses node 8) end up without
        //  a filling color
        unitedItem.fillColor = new paper.Color(0, 0, 0);

        // Generate the merged SVG string and save it
        const outputPathString = unitedItem.exportSVG({
            asString: true,
            bounds: new paper.Rectangle(0, 0, pathItem.getBounds().width, pathItem.getBounds().height)
        // let outputSvg = outputPathString;
        let outputSvg = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" width="${pathItem.getBounds().width}" height="${pathItem.getBounds().height}">`;
        outputSvg += outputPathString;
        outputSvg += '</svg>';

包含 SVG 字符串的完整代码是 here,因为我将其包含在答案中超出了最大正文长度。