
take random string from array, put it in new array, then put it back in old array later


问题是,当我这样做时,chosenWord1 在句子中显示为我希望的字符串,但 chosenWord2 显示的是索引号。

array = ["word","another word", "yet another word"];

/* put a random word from the array in its own value and then 
remove it from the array so it can't be chosen in next step */

let chosenWord1 = array.splice(Math.random() * array.length, 1)[0];

/* pick another random word from the same, altered array */

let chosenWord2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length);

/* a function that puts a sentence on the webpage concatenating the strings 
from chosenWord1 and chosenWord2 goes here. then... */

/* add back the previously removed word so this process can repeat again 
with the same items in the array as there was before anything was done to it */



我不知道这是否是您需要的,但这会重复提取两个随机单词,而不是将它们从原始数组中取出。 for 循环用于显示它如何处理不同的单词。

const array = ["word", "another word", "yet another word"];
const randomNumber = (key) => Math.floor(Math.random() * key);
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  const { [randomNumber(array.length)]: wordOne, ...rest } = array;
  const { [randomNumber(array.length - 1)]: wordTwo } = Object.values(rest);

  console.log(`${wordOne} and ${wordTwo}`);