ServiceStack ORMLite 如何在查询中 fparse JSON 数据

ServiceStack ORMLite How to fparse JSON data in Query


public class Inforamation 
  public Guid Id { get; set; }

  public string Name { get; set; }

  public InfoMetadata Metadata { get; set; }

public class InfoMetadata 
  // Bike Info

  public string BikeName { get; set; }
  public string ModelNumber { get; set; }

  // House Info
  public string HouseName { get; set; }
  public string HouseNumber { get; set; }


请求 DTO

public class RequestDto
public string Query { get; set; }


 public void Get(RequestDto request)
      var query = Db.From<Inforamation>();
      query = query.And<Inforamation>(v => v.Name == query || v.InfoMetadata.BikeName == query);

var result =;


|   Id      |   Name    |Metadata                               |
|           |           |                                       |
|      1    |  Bhushan  |{"houseName": 'ABC', "BikeName": "VC"} |


The multi-part identifier "InfoMetadata .BikeName " could not be bound.'


复杂类型在 OrmLite 中默认使用它们的 configured Complex Type Serializer 进行 blob,您通常无法对其执行服务器端查询,因此您不应该 blob 您希望能够使用 [=28 查询的字段=] 因为只有在结果集在 C# 中具体化后才能检查它们。

如果您正在使用 PostgreSQL,您可以 use its rich JSON Data Type 通过使用 [PgSqlJson][PgSqlJsonB] 注释复杂类型属性属性,例如:

public class TableJson
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public ComplexType ComplexTypeJson { get; set; }

    public ComplexType ComplexTypeJsonb { get; set; }

db.Insert(new TableJson
    Id = 1,
    ComplexTypeJson = new ComplexType {
        Id = 2, SubType = new SubType { Name = "JSON" }
    ComplexTypeJsonb = new ComplexType {
        Id = 3, SubType = new SubType { Name = "JSONB" }

然后可以在服务器上使用 PostgreSQL's JSON SQL Syntax and functions:

var result = db.Single<TableJson>("table_json->'SubType'->>'Name' = 'JSON'");


var results = Db.Select(Db.From<Information>().Where(x => x.Name == query));
var filteredResults = results.Where(x => x.InfoMetadata.BikeName == query).ToList();